Your profile is a little public facing snapshot of your character containing a handful of various details. It can be found by clicking View Profile under your myself tab, or by navigating to the url:<character name>, replacing <character name> with the profile you want to view.
Anatomy of a profile[edit]
Your profile will look a bit like the one below.
The banner itself is the header of one of the game's locations, and upon it will be your form of address, your name, the current description of your preferred main quality, and your gender. Your name can be changed on the myself tab for 15 FATE, your form of address on 'The Roof-Tops: Urchins' Opportunity Card. The other details can all be changed from the Attend to Matters of Identity storylet, found in Your Lodgings. You can also hide or unhide your form of address from there.
Left Column[edit]
This is your currently selected profile image. This can be changed in the myself tab for 30 FATE, or once for free with a Page from the Liber Visionis.
This is your current in game lodgings. This can be changed by acquiring new lodgings and moving there.
Current Equipment[edit]
By default, this displays the equipment you have currently equipped. You can instead mark a "Favourite" outfit in the possessions tab by choosing that outfit and then clicking the star icon.
Personal Description[edit]
Beneath your equipment, you have 150 characters to give yourself a personal description. You can edit this by clicking the little pencil icon upon it. The top of the blurb will always say "They say..." and your description will be in quotation marks.
Right Column[edit]
On your Mantelpiece you may display one stack of items that you own, so you may wish to choose something rare or unique. To change this, you click on the mantelpiece item in the Myself tab.
In your Scrapbook you may display one quality that you have obtained, so you may wish to choose something rare or unique. To change this, you click on the scrapbook quality in the Myself tab.
When you echo something to your journal from a storylet by clicking the pencil button in the top right of the storylet description, this is where you echo things to. You browse past actions that you have taken, or link actions to other players from here.