Find Somewhere to Live!

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
You need an address – or the Constables might scoop you off the streets for vagrancy. Besides, it's cold out here. And you need somewhere to receive visitors.

Game Instructions: Lodgings of your own are an important thing to have.

Unlocked with  (hidden)

Locked with ,  (hidden)


Charm your way into someone's home
Whispered secret.png
Rent a room
Red gold.png
Rent a room
  •  Spoiler 
    Red gold.png
    Unlocked with



    Well done! A place to call your own.

    Success Instructions: Finding better Lodgings increases the number of Opportunity Cards you can keep in your hand, and can have other advantages! With enough wealth or the right connections, you can have your own hunting lodge, paddle-steamer or merchant's palace...
