Professions (Guide)
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Early MYN Content and Onwards |
Every week Time, the Healer brings An Earnest of Payment and rewards according to the Profession. Each Profession's weekly reward is listed at Profession Payments.
Professions, in Fallen London as elsewhere, are specialised occupations that pay a wage. You can take up a profession from very early in the game, and more advanced ones become available as you progress.
For early-game players, professions are mainly useful as a way to raise Attributes and earn a decent income in items. Later on, professions come with more varied benefits, such as unique items and gameplay advantages. With a Tier 3 Profession, you can engage in profitable Professional Activities (Guide).
If you're looking to adopt your first profession, read on to learn about training professions and how to get the most benefit from them in the early game. Skip to the sections on Entangled Professions and Less-Entangled Professions if you're ready to start on a more advanced career path.
Choosing a Profession (Analysis)[edit]
Your true passion? Or just a way to earn a crust? In deciding between professions, there are two aspects you may want to consider: gameplay advantages and roleplaying. Depending on how you play, one may be more important to you than the other.
Every profession gives different advantages in terms of gameplay. They focus on different skills, which are enhanced by the profession's unique item, and they unlock options in certain activities. If you spend most of your time doing a particular thing, like zailing or navigating Parabola or doing lab experiments, it may help to choose a profession that's mechanically suited to that activity.
In terms of roleplaying, certain professions may make better sense than others for your character, depending on their ideals, loyalties, and goals. The entangled professions in particular imply strong viewpoints about the world of the Neath and how your character believes they fit into it. Each profession associates more with certain factions than others, and is intimately involved in a particular aspect of the Neath. If roleplaying is important to you, these factors might outweigh the mechanical advantages associated with a particular profession.
You are always limited to one profession at a time, but you can choose to resign your profession at any time by sending a message to your contacts in , allowing you to take up a new profession.
For new players, your first profession will likely be one of the Training Professions listed in the following section. These professions offer minimal story text and roleplaying. Instead these professions are a way for new players to gain a significant CP boost to level up one of their main attributes, and help introduce professions to new players. It is suggested to pick one of these professions and keep it until the relevant stat reaches 70 before resigning and choosing another profession.
If you have finished raising your stats through training professions, it is time to begin an Entangled Profession. Entangled professions are connected to Factions and can be obtained for favours from the appropriate faction card. Each Entangled Profession can be upgraded twice after becoming A Person of Some Importance. All entangled professions provide you with a unique equipment item (which is lost if you resign from your profession, or replaced with a better item if you advance to the next Tier). For Tier 1 professions these items provide +6 to two of the main attributes providing a significant early game boost.
Most Tier 1 professions are roughly equal, however, it is worth considering that some items, such as the 's Revolting Disguise (Hat), occupy item slots that are easily filled by other means. An
's Burly Assistant and a
's Feckless Supporters use the companion slot, which is usually empty for early game players. This can make these items significantly more useful. Additionally the
's weekly reward includes a
, a difficult to obtain item that has significant uses after obtaining the status of
A Person of Some Importance. Each savings 17 actions per villainy when attaining specific advanced items, such as the
Tier 2 entangled professions are obtained from the card in London after obtaining
A Person of Some Importance status and reaching
2. Tier 2 professions are largely an intermediary between Tier 1 and Tier 3. Most players will not spend a large amount of time at Tier 2 before obtaining a Tier 3 profession. When obtaining a Tier 2 profession it is best to decide based on the Tier 3 profession you want to obtain.
Tier 3 professions are the strongest professions obtainable and provide the most unique roleplay options. Each tier three profession provides unique story options, Professional Activities, and a special equipment piece that provides a boost to an Advanced Skill associated with the profession. Tier 3 professions are obtained from the card in London with 5
and a specific quality that is different for each profession. While most of Tier 3 professions require easily obtained qualities the
profession requires the player reach
A Scholar of the Correspondence 10. This can be a lengthy grind that delays players from achieving this profession. The
profession requires the
A Fine Piece in the Game quality obtained by completing The Cheesemonger storyline. Players who do not want to progress this storyline in order to allow for further favour grinding will not be able to obtain the Midnighter profession.
The Advanced Skill provided by the professions unique item is also used for storylets in that classes Professional Activities. Some of these stats are mainly useful after gaining access to the through the Great Hellbound Railway story, which requires a Tier 2
A Person of Some Importance specialization. In particular
from the Correspondent profession has almost no uses before accessing the Upper River and the stat can not be increased until accessing the Upper River, which generally prevents effective use of a Correspondent's professional activities prior to this point. While it is not superior to other Tier 3 professions these factors lead to Correspondent being primarily useful for late game players, and somewhat unadvisable for earlier play.
The following is a brief overview of the Tier 3 entangled professions, and their associated gameplay and story aspects, to help you narrow down your choices.
A deals with Parabola and dreams, and “changes the course of events with truth and lies.” They are associated with the Neathbow colour Cosmogone.
- Skills:
is an important skill for a Silverer. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
additionally confer a point of
- Factions: As frequent visitors to Parabola, they engage with the Cats and Fingerkings. In London, they tend to interact with Bohemians, and they can also perform Professional Activities for Tomb Colonists, The Great Game, Hell, and The Honey-Addled Detective.
- Activities: Silverers pay half price whenever traveling through mirrors. Players who spend a large amount of time in Parabola, or who often move between Parabola, London, and the Upper River, may want to take advantage of this. Their Glasswork skill aids them in using Dream-shaping as their Weapon of a Khaganian Front.
A is an assassin who “serves the tyranny of necessity. They deliver death with expedience and without passion, according to a certain list of aliases.” Their associated Neathbow colour is Gant.
- Skills:
greatly aids the Licentiate's work. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
List of Aliases, Writ in Gant additionally confers a point of
- Factions: Due to the nature of the work, they engage with both Criminals and The Great Game. They can also perform Professional Activities for Constables, Hell, Zailors, and The Gracious Widow.
- Activities: Their work produces a ready supply of bones for use in The Bone Market. Being skilled in Kataleptic Toxicology gives them an edge on chemical experiments in the Lab, and in using Poison as their Weapon of a Khaganian Front.
A delves into the Red Science and the Correspondence, and “writes with a pen of fire and a hand of adamant”. They are associated with the Neathbow colour Violant.
- Skills:
is essential to a Correspondent. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
Pot of Violant Ink additionally confers a point of
- Factions: They've moved among both Bohemians and Society since their early Journalist days. They can also perform Professional Activities for Hell, Benthic, and Zailors.
- Activities: Correspondents have ready access to a University Laboratory, where their Red Science skill also gives them an advantage in certain experiments. They find it (relatively) easier to max
, which is an option to attain London's Nerves, and can help other players raise it.
A pursues prey at Zee and in dreams, and “winnows the lesser terrors from the true”. They are associated with the Neathbow colour Pelegin.
- Skills:
enables the hunter to know their prey. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
Notched Bone Harpoon additionally confers a point of
- Factions: Their pursuit of monsters earns them favour with Constables and Zailors. They can also perform Professional Activities for Society, The Great Game, Benthic, Hell, and The Honey-Addled Detective.
- Activities: Monster-Hunters are in their element Hunting the Beasts of the Zee and those of the Parabola, where their Notched Bone Harpoon and knowledge of Monstrous Anatomy confer significant advantages. The latter also confers an advantage on Lab experiments with a Monstrous Focus. A hunter might feel particularly at home at Sophia's, and be inclined to try and Bag A Legend.
A is both missionary and apostate, and “tests the boundaries between right and wrong“. Their associated Neathbow colour is Apocyan.
- Skills:
aids the Crooked-Cross in persuasion and deception. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
Crooked Cross additionally confers a point of
- Factions: They engage with both The Church and Hell without loyalty to either. They can also perform Professional Activities for Zailors, Tomb Colonists, and the Clay Men.
- Activities: Mithridacy gives Crooked-Crosses advantages when writing monographs in Moulin or rewriting history in Moulin or The Waswood. It also aids the use of Misinformation as the Weapon of a Khaganian Front, and in obfuscating the truth in Railway Board meetings.
A is a skilled player of The Great Game, “has made the unknown known, and toppled an invisible throne.” They are associated with the Neathbow colour Irrigo.
- Skills:
is invaluable to the Midnighter's work. Their Professional Activities also use
, and their
additionally confers a point of
- Factions: They interact with all players of The Great Game. They can also perform Professional Activities for Hell, Bohemians, Zailors, and The Gracious Widow.
- Activities: Midnighters, as adept Players of Chess, are at home on The Chessboard and playing shatar in The Khanate. Their profession gives them a useful option during Khaganian Intrigues, advantages in the Cabinet Noir, and a means of manipulating the Railway Board.
Additionally, there are a number of activities that multiple professions have advantages in. These include:
- Bone Market:
, and
, for various types of skeletons.
- Brawling with Dockers:
, and
, to fight using advanced skills.
- Epistolary Matters:
, and
, to train your contacts' skills.
- The Khanate:
, and
, depending on your choice of weapon.
- Railway Board meetings:
, and
, for persuading board members.
- University Laboratory:
, and
, depending on experimental focus.
Of course, these lists are not exhaustive of the factors you might consider in choosing a profession, nor are they all equally relevant to early-, mid-, and late-game players.
Nor is it necessary to choose permanently: as described in the following section, it can be relatively easy to switch even between Tier 3 professions. For example, you can take a profession to get a particular grind done more quickly or to meet stat requirements for Renown/Scholar of the Correspondence/Poet-Laureate/Defender of the Public Safety, take or
for a massive one-time cost reduction, et cetera.
Training Professions[edit]
These are professions especially suited for early-game players. There are no requirements for entry; simply Adopt a Training Profession at .
Each profession is associated with one of the four main Attributes: ,
, or
. Once a week, Time, the Healer brings An Earnest of Payment, providing a 250 CP boost to the Attribute associated with your current Profession, until it reaches 70 . You also receive
5 worth of items.
Profession | Reward |
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To get the most out of the training professions, pick whichever one you want to start, and when its associated Attribute reaches level 70 (the cap for the 250 CP reward), Resign from your Profession and choose one of the others.
Once you've learned all you can from the training professions, it's time to move on to bigger and better things: one of the Entangled or Less Entangled Professions.
Entangled Professions[edit]
These are the professions most bound up in the goings-on of the Neath. Entangled professions provide you with a unique equipment item (which is lost if you resign from your profession, or replaced with a better item if you advance to the next tier). The Tools of the Trade equipment slot is exclusively for T3 profession items.
These professions also receive A Professional Reward weekly. Tier 1's rewards are worth about 35, Tier 2's are worth about
49, and Tier 3's are worth
60; additionally, each payment includes a couple of Favours.
There are 6 tracks to choose from. Each track has three tiers, with increasingly stringent requirements for advancement. You don't resign from your current profession to advance; when you have the requirements for the next tier, wait for the card An Unsigned Message or force-draw it with Await an Unsigned Letter.
Note: All Tier 3 professions also have access to "Professional Activities" storylets at Your Activities area (next to Lodgings). They are a group of profession-specific sets of challenges around stats supported by your job's Tool of the Trade. After completing a short storyline to increase your Extensive Professional Experience, you can choose A Professional Specialisation and unlock more profitable activities. For more information, refer to the Professional Activities (Guide).
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 |
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- Tier 1 professions can be joined from the Faction Card connected to that profession (listed below). Each costs some Favours from that Faction, and may require another related quality.
- Tier 2 professions can be selected from the card An Unsigned Message, which begins appearing once you are
A Person of Some Importance and have begun to accrue
. Advancement requires currently being employed in the respective T1 profession, and
(which is not consumed). See the PoSI guide for more about Notability.
- Tier 3 professions are also selected from An Unsigned Message, and require the respective T2 profession and
(again, not consumed). This time there is also a unique quality requirement and a 300 difficulty Attribute challenge. Specific requirements for each tier 3 profession are listed in their section. Unless you're lucky, you'll have to draw An Unsigned Message multiple times before achieving T3.
You can spend a to force-draw the Faction Card you need for T1, or An Unsigned Message for T2 or T3. Before doing so, make sure you have all the requirements (the 5 Favours for the Faction Card, or the Notability for An Unsigned Message)—and that you don't already have the card in your hand—or you'll waste your
Campaigner, Mystic, Silverer[edit]
The object of oratory alone is not truth, but persuasion. —Thomas Babington Macaulay (1824)
Acquired from:
- The Church — costs
5 x Favours; requires
Adrift on a Sea of Misery
- Revolutionaries — costs
5 x Favours; requires
Professional reward: The Campaigner's reward
Dangerous +6
Persuasive +6
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 2,
Professional reward: The Mystic's reward
Persuasive +9
Dangerous +9
Respectable +1
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
Embroiled 6;
300 challenge
Professional reward: A Silverer's Penny
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Persuasive +6
Dangerous +6
Bizarre +1
Glasswork +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Silverer, with rewards In souls, In wine, and In silks.
: “A manufacturer of dream-spaces,” with rewards In intelligence.
: “One who charts the boundary between Is and Is-Not,” with rewards In mysteries.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used in various Parabolan and Parabola-related activities — entering Parabolan Base-Camp and healing your wounds there, finding and entering other Parabolan locations, navigating while hunting monsters or searching mirrors, fighting in Parabolan War, up/downconverting various Parabolan Cartography items, influencing the dreamers in Viric Jungle, grinding various resources in The Dome of Scales. Also, many other activities/places have occasional Glasswork checks of various importance, such as harder Heists, Licensed by Mr Hearts, Helicon House, cooking and Master visits in Station VIII, Church of the Wild in Burrow-Infra-Mump, Moulin Expeditions and Monographs, Khaganian Intrigues.
- Can establish the Parabolan Base-Camp for
25 worth of other items as opposed to
for other players (a one-time saving equivalent to
490.5 or
15). The Silverer's option also uses a
rather than the
required of other players.
- Each subsequent visit into Parabola costs the Silverer only
, as opposed to 100 for other players (a saving of
1 ). Additionally, Silverers can travel directly between several locations without needing to stop by their Base-Camp first, saving in clicks though not actions.
- Can spend
while Traversing the Wastes of Want in Parabolan War.
- Can Offer yourself as escort and guide, gaining 2
as opposed to 1 for regular option.
- Less affected by
when using shortcuts in The Wellspring of Moulin or The Pillared Sea — gains only 1 as opposed to 2 for other players. Depending on an option chosen on That Which was Taken card, a saving of 10 CP
, 10 CP
or (presumably) 1–70 lost CP
- Can lose 7 CP
for free In the Court of the Fathomking. This is the same amount lost from spending
(a saving of
1 ).
Enforcer, Murderer, Licentiate[edit]
Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/ Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather/ The multitudinous seas incardine,/ Making the green one red. —William Shakespeare, Macbeth, act II, scene 2
Acquired from:
- Criminals — costs
5 x Favours
- Revolutionaries — costs
5 x Favours; requires
Professional reward: The Enforcer's reward
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 2,
Professional reward: The Murderer's reward
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
300 challenge
Professional reward: The Licentiate's Bounty
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Dangerous +6
Shadowy +6
Bizarre +1
Kataleptic Toxicology +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Licentiate with rewards In intelligence, In jewels, and In statements and testimonies.
: “Expert in partial murders and esoteric applications of toxicology,” with rewards In souls.
: “Gifted in making sure your murders draw no attention and the assassinations go unnoticed by society,” with rewards In maps.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used in dealing with various toxic and alchemical substances: Lab work such as generating
for various experiments or directly helping to Disambiguate an Eolith, some options in The Bone Market, cooking in Station VIII and processing of its factory’s products. Also, many other activities/places have occasional Kataleptic Toxicology checks of various importance, such as various London, Zailing the Unterzee and Upper River cards, Brawling, Ealing Spa, Moulin Expeditions, Khaganian Intrigues, Parabolan Base-Camp, Viric Jungle, The Dome of Scales, Parabolan War, navigating while hunting monsters or searching mirrors in Parabola.
- Can supply their own skeletons and skulls when making a skeleton in The Bone Market, at no action/resource cost. Simply combining these options and selling to specific buyers opens up a quick and easy 3.75/3.81 EPA grind. Also, using only the first option serves as a substitute for a
, allowing for likewise quick and easy converting of Echoes (buying and attaching
) or
(buying and attaching
) into specific resources available in the Bone Market.
- Can recognise their quarry and kill them while meeting a passenger steamer at Zee, gaining
and 5 CP
in addition to
on success.
- Can use Dangerous instead of
during the mid-game when playing Chess at The Chessboard, getting
on success.
- Can Pass through a distracting mirror while hunting monsters or searching mirrors in Parabola with the correct
, abandoning the hunt/search and returning to London while also gaining
- Can be sent
, providing easy levelling in
as well as
per each Name, while senders lose
, 6 CP
and 6 CP
, and gain
- Can get
(uncapped) while
during a Feast of the Exceptional Rose, if Cheery Man is chosen as a partner.
Journalist, Author, Correspondent[edit]
Words alike make the destiny of empires and of individuals. Ambition, love, hate, interest, vanity, have words for their engines, and need none more powerful. Language is a fifth element — the one by which all the others are swayed. —Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1834)
Acquired from: Bohemians — costs 5 x Favours, requires
Professional reward: The Journalist's reward
Persuasive +6
Watchful +6
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message (requires 2,
) or Advance from Journalist to Author (requires
Professional reward: The Author's reward
Persuasive +9
Watchful +9
Respectable +1
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
300 challenge
Professional reward: The Correspondent's Accomplishments
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Persuasive +6
Watchful +6
Bizarre +1
Artisan of the Red Science +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Correspondent, with rewards In souls, In wine, and In favours and rumour.'
: “Specialising most in the Red Science,” with rewards In maps.
: “Favouring the scholarly paradigm of the Correspondent,” with rewards In dusty tomes.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used in Lab for Red Science experiments, generating
for them or directly helping to start/finish them, and is necessary for duplicating various skulls through the application of
in The Bone Market. Also, certain other activities/places have occasional Artisan of the Red Science checks of various importance, such as a card in London, a card in The Salt Steppes, Brawling, Balmoral, Moulin Monographs, The Hurlers, dismantling of the
- Can increase A Scholar of the Correspondence through Shadowy Dealings at the University at a reduced cost, saving up to 887 Correspondence Plaques from level ASotC level 10 to level 21, a one-time savings (over many actions) of up to
443.5 . In addition, the minimum Watchful required to use this method is reduced by 50 levels, and the average Wounds gained at each step is halved.
- Can establish a Laboratory for free, without paying
as other players have to — a one-time saving equivalent to
75 plus the actions required to obtain the Coin.
- Furthermore, can expand their Laboratory from 2 to 3 workbenches for free, without paying
— an additional one-time saving of
62.5 .
- Correspondents can Read the Books that Others Cannot, an action that gives research dependent on their equipment and
, and a second option that can train your
- Can Write something to sear the eyes of fools and lift up the great powers at the Statue at Station VIII to exchange
- Can send letters (spending
per each) to increase the recipient's
- Can be invited to an Orphanage by another player, getting 5 CP
while sender loses 15 CP
and gains 200 CP
- Can Write a monograph on it during Christmas, using up an
and gaining 3 CP
for 2–14 CP
(up to level 15), 60 CP
, 1–20 CP
, 10 CP
and 10 CP
Rat-Catcher, Stalker, Monster-Hunter[edit]
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. — Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
Acquired from: The Docks — costs 3 x Favours, requires
Professional reward: The Rat-Catcher's reward
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 2,
Professional reward: The Stalker's Reward
Dangerous +9
Watchful +9
Respectable +1
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
300 challenge
Professional reward: The Monster-Hunter's Labours
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Watchful +6
Dangerous +6
Dreaded +1
Monstrous Anatomy +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Monster-Hunter, with rewards In souls, In favours and rumour, and In mysteries.
: “Killer of killers and devotee of the Predator's Sacrament,” with rewards In intelligence.
: “A butcher-haruspex and expert in dread anatomy,” with rewards In dusty tomes.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used when dealing with monsters/animals or their body parts — hunting them in Parabola, generating
for related experiments or directly helping to Determine the true nature of this bone, and (more than any other skill) in The Bone Market. Also, certain other activities/places have occasional Monstrous Anatomy checks of various importance, such as a card while Zailing the Unterzee, harder Heists, Brawling, Diving in the Magistracy, cooking in Station VIII, Anglican Diocese in Burrow-Infra-Mump.
- Can spear a runaway potbelly stove at Hurlers, capturing it in 5 actions instead of 3 successes, but without the risk of failures and
(which adds up to higher total than 5 considering that the basic options are impossible to 100% currently), and with an additional profit — every spearing gives
on average.
- While hunting the
and other zee-monsters, can progress faster and engage it in single combat in the end — the latter, however, only gives flavour and no mechanical advantages compared to the ordinary option.
- Can Go on a rat-catching expedition while Zailing the Unterzee, without the risk of failure,
gain and 50/100 more
Rats on String compared to the other options.
- Has options on various other cards while Zailing the Unterzee, which don't have stat/skill checks but also don't give
: they can ram a lifeberg (besides
, it gives 1 CP
if already present and avoids raising
) or a giant angler crab (besides
, it removes all
, but also raises
by 1 CP), and if they meet A Chelonite Hunting Ketch they can exchange
and a
- Can staff their Parabolan Base-Camp with colleagues at the first stage of building it up, not spending
— a one-time saving of
2.5 .
- Gets an additional opportunity to wound their Parabolan quarry during the hunt, further simplifying it: depending on Monstrous Anatomy level and specific quarry, even one wound can completely eliminate the risk of failure.
- Can get
(uncapped) while
during a Feast of the Exceptional Rose, if Sinning Jenny is chosen as a partner.
Trickster, Conjurer, Crooked-Cross[edit]
What should it be, that thus their faith can bind?/ The power of Thought, the magic of the Mind! —Lord Byron, The Corsair (1813)
Acquired from:
Professional reward: The Trickster's reward
Shadowy +6
Persuasive +6
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 2,
Professional reward: The Conjurer's reward
Shadowy +9
Persuasive +9
Bizarre +2
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
300 challenge
Professional reward: The Wage of a Crooked-Cross
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Persuasive +6
Shadowy +6
Dreaded +1
Mithridacy +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Crooked-Cross, with rewards In souls, In maps, and In suspect relics.
: “Progenitor of new saints and specialist in subverting truths from within,” with rewards In silks.
: “Cleaver of minds from their certainties and expert at discerning the many shades of truth,” with rewards In hard labour.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used in various truth-bending and deceiving activities: making skeletons in The Bone Market, dealing with the Railway Board of Directors, writing Monographs in Moulin, creating
in The Waswood or Moulin. Also, many other activities/places have occasional Mithridacy checks of various importance, such as various London, Zailing the Unterzee and Upper River cards, critically examining a disquieting missive, publishing newspapers, dealing with Student Complaints, Jericho Locks, Evenlode Courts, Balmoral, Diocesan Church of Hell in Burrow-Infra-Mump, Moulin Expeditions, Khaganian Intrigues, Viric Jungle, The Dome of Scales, Parabolan War.
- Can Rely on professional contacts to join
- Can confuse the Railway board, making it easier to convince those who are vulnerable to obfuscation.
- Can obtain
Rumours of the Upper River from A Familiar Bohemian Sculptress in The Bone Market - however, the
check is currently impossible to 100%.
- Can obtain
more cheaply from Debate with the Nostalgic Landlady in Jericho: The Arborist's Hands. However, it takes twice as much actions compared to other options. This makes Charter a barge to the Persephone partially self-funding, providing easy access to
- Get unique conversational options with Parish Council in Burrow-Infra-Mump.
- Can exchange
in Burrow-Infra-Mump.
- As they have less need for
, Crooked-Crosses can instead get a different weekly reward in The Wellspring of Moulin:
and an amount of
equal to their
- Can use Persuasive instead of
during the mid-game when playing Chess at The Chessboard, getting
on success. However, unlike other options, the Persuasive challenge requires FATE-locked equpiment and a Persuasive Treasure to be 100%-able, and the failure changes
to Red if it wasn't already.
- Can send letters (spending
per each) to increase the recipient's
- Can spend 10 CP
and an amount of
equal to (5/2) × their (Base
+ Base
- Can be invited to a Salon by another player, getting 20 CP
while sender loses 15 CP
and gains 2 CP
and 200 CP
Watcher, Agent, Midnighter[edit]
Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead. —Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack (1735)
Acquired from:
- The Constables — costs
5 x Favours
- The Great Game — costs
5 x Favours; requires
A Fine Piece in the Game
Professional reward: The Watcher's reward
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 2,
Professional reward: The Agent's Reward
Acquired from: An Unsigned Message — requires 5,
A Fine Piece in the Game;
300 challenge
Professional reward: The Midnighter's Currency
Unique item: (Tools of the Trade)
Dreaded +1
Shadowy +6
Watchful +6
A Player of Chess +1
Professional Activity: The Business of a Midnighter, with rewards In souls, In maps, and In jewels.
: “Powerful and elusive, accumulating pieces to play the next level of the Great Game,” with rewards In intelligence.
: “Zealous and independent, immersed in the deeper rites of St. Joshua,” with rewards In wine.
- Gets a +1 bonus to
from their
. This skill is mainly used in various Great Game and Great Game-related activities like spying on, manipulating and deceiving people: playing on The Chessboard, working in Cabinet Noir and other activities in Balmoral, dealing with the Railway Board of Directors, Khaganian Intrigues. Also, certain other activities/places have occasional A Player of Chess checks of various importance, such as various London, Zailing the Unterzee and Upper River cards, Counter-Church in the Wild in Burrow-Infra-Mump, The Dome of Scales, Parabolan War.
- Can blackmail the Railway board, making it easier to convince those who are vulnerable to corruption.
- Can gain more
per action in the Cabinet Noir in Balmoral.
- Can lose 7 CP
for free In the Court of the Fathomking. This is the same amount lost from spending
(a saving of
1 ).
- While meeting A Khaganian Patrol Vessel in The Salt Steppes, can Record their position, gaining an amount of
scaling with their
with no risk at the cost of halved
- At midnight in Khan's Heart can take a special option to progress the current intrigue, losing 1 CP
and gaining 10 CP
with no risk.
- Can find The Chessboard more easily and can gain
once during early game, at the cost of progressing without gaining
- Can send letters (spending
and gaining
per each) to increase the recipient's
- Can be invited to an Orphanage by another player, getting 5 CP
while sender loses 15 CP
and gains 200 CP
- Can get
(uncapped) while
during a Feast of the Exceptional Rose, if Gracious Widow is chosen as a partner.
Less Entangled Professions[edit]
These professions come with no unique item, and receive in cash. Such employment may suit those who wish to remain less involved in the more unsavoury business of the Neath, or simply those who have particular skills to offer and little interest in climbing the career ladder. Adopt these professions from An Unsigned Message.
Note: Adopting any of these professions requires a certain level of Notability, but this is not consumed.
On long afternoons, while you inculcate Latin and arithmetic into the surly little tyke and he kicks your shins under the table, you focus on the end of the week, and your reward.
Unlocked with: Become a Tutor to a Wretched Child — requires 2,
Filkin & Filkin, Overcomptrollers, require an undermanager to assort operations and engage extrifications. You will be required to juggle figures and elaborate administrations.
Unlocked with: Become an Undermanager — requires 2,
Even here, where death is an aberration, people are troubled by less final maladies. More troubled, perhaps, since no-one wants to endure eternity with a hernia.
Unlocked with: Become a doctor — requires 3,
- As a member of Sophia's, you can Offer your services as a doctor, for a payment of
- At Christmas, get a
and a point of
TToL on Day 11: Mr Sacks, mutely.
They are the only notaries allowed to operate within the City of London. The romance of their name perfectly balances the excitement of their daily work.
Unlocked with: Apply for membership in the Mysterie of Writers of the Court Letter — requires 3,
- With a post office at Ealing Gardens, Offer your services for some reduction of
and a few
- At Christmas, get a
and a point of
TToL on Day 11: Mr Sacks, mutely.
Quick-Switch Guide[edit]
It is possible for players to switch level-3 professions quickly. You will need 5 , a
, 6 Actions, and either a good card draw or be close to
to do this. Obtaining a Mood can also help increase chances for successfully obtaining the highest-tier promotion. [See above for the more esoteric requirements]
1. Pick the profession you want to take, and determine which Faction starts the Profession. (i.e. to be , you must first become a
, so you need
2. Wait to draw the Faction Card for the level 1 profession and hold it in your hand. Acquire five favours with that Faction.
3. Wait to draw the card and hold it as well. You can proceed without the card, up to step 6.
4. Go to . Select Send a Message to a Contact. Choose to Resign from your Profession.
5. Use the Faction Card to pick the Level 1 profession (ex: )
6. Use the card. If you don't have the card, Go to
. Select Send a Message to a Contact to Await an Unsigned Letter. This will immediately draw the
. If you do this, you will need to wait to complete the next step until Time, the Healer arrives.
7. If you have expended your , wait for Time, the Healer or choose
, which will consume substantial
in exchange for receiving them.
8 **If you can acquire the correct Mood, do it now.** Likewise if you lack Second Chances for the stat used for acquiring the new profession, go get some. Once you request the Unsigned Message, if you Perhaps Not out you will lose both the card and your Favourable Circumstance. (This step is technically optional, but a very difficult test awaits you and you will probably fail at least once without it. With an appropriate Mood, a Second Chance, and main stat of 200 +55 or so in other gear, you can reduce the chance of failure to only 15% or so.)
9. Use the Send a Message to a Contact to Await an Unsigned Letter which will use your . This will immediately re-draw the