The answer to Nightmares?

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: City Vices: Orthographic Infection

Will you learn something of moment? Or will you damage your mind, your eyesight, your very sanity? It all depends which words your eye falls on first. Perhaps you should just move on.

Game Instructions: The greater your base Watchful and your current Nightmares, the greater the risk to your Watchful and the reward.

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 50%)


"Fascinating. And they never told us? I wonder why..."

Your brain buzzes with black and heady secrets. […]

As you go, a squad of Special Constables […] comes up to disperse the crowd. They bring up a squat brass machine on a wheeled cart and begin to spray the offending wall with cleansing acid.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Base Watchful1–102103–128129–143144–156157–171172–197198–230
Rounded Appalling factor45678910

Wiki note: For exact factor, use the function on The answer to Nightmares?/research


"Get it out! Get it out -"

You hear a voice shouting, and realise it's your own. […]

As you go, a squad of Special Constables […] comes up to disperse the crowd. They bring up a squat brass machine on a wheeled cart and begin to spray the offending wall with cleansing acid.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Owlsmall.png Watchful is dropping… (( + 1) x Watchful factor CP)
  • Sidebarnightmaressmall.png Nightmares is increasing… (+ ( x 2) CP)
Base Watchful1–128129–171172–230
Rounded Watchful factor-1-2-3

Wiki note: For exact factor, use the function on The answer to Nightmares?/research