Persuade the Wandering Gondolier/Tables

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)


Question before the BoardBase Difficulty
4 - Recommending a Route through Plainsland180
5 - Route through Hills100
7 - Recommending a Route across a Ravine220
9 - Recommending a Route through Wasteland100
10 - Proposing the Removal of His Amused Lordship300
11 - Proposing the Removal of the Efficient Commissioner300
12 - Proposing the Removal of the Jovial Contrarian300
13 - Proposing the Removal of Sinning Jenny400
14 - Proposing the Removal of Feducci500
15 - Proposing the Removal of Virginia700
16 - Proposing the Removal of Furnace Ancona500
17 - Proposing the Removal of the Dean of Xenotheology300
18 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's300
19 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Southwark300
20 - Proposing the Removal of the Tentacled Entrepreneur300
21 - Proposing the Removal of the Gracious Widow300
24 - Proposing the Removal of September300
26 - Proposing the Removal of the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle300
27 - Proposing the Removal of the Rubbery Yes-Man300
29 - Proposing the Removal of Cornelius, the Bandaged Prehistoricist400
30 - Proposing the Removal of January300
31 - Proposing the Removal of the Wry Functionary300
32 - Proposing the Removal of the Delightful Reverend300
33 - Proposing the Removal of the Drummer700
35 - Proposing the Removal of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner300
37 - Proposing the Removal of the Implacable Detective300
100 - Proposing a Station Plan100
105 - Proposing a Station Plan more like a Fortress100
115 - Proposing a Station Plan styled in the Manner of Hell100
120 - Proposing a Station Plan that Honours the Bazaar100
130 - Proposing a Station Plan that Speaks to the Glory of London and the Empress100
140 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to Wasteland100
150 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to a Surface Summer100
160 - Proposing an ice-resistant route and a well-insulated station100
181 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Ealing Gardens100
182 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near the Magistracy of the Evenlode100
183 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Balmoral100
184 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Station VIII300
185 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Burrow-infra-Mump380
186 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City somewhere between Moulin and Hurlers, as no one sensible wants that land at all300
187 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Marigold Station, under the walls of Hell100
200 - Recommending Better Defences for Each Train300
205 - Recommending More Baggage Accommodations for Each Train100
210 - Recommending More Luxurious Fittings for Each Train200
220 - Recommending More Worker Compensation100
230 - Recommending Worker Co-ownership100
240 - Recommending the Strike be Broken300
300 - Proposing a Vote of Self-congratulation200
310 - Proposing a Charitable Gift100
320 - Proposing a Scientific Charter220
330 - Proposing a Charter declaring an Alliance with Hell100
340 - Proposing a Charter engaging in the Work of the Church500
400 - Proposing to Pay Dividends to Shareholders (non-Worker charter)300
400 - Proposing to Pay Dividends to Shareholders (Worker charter)100
500 - Proposing a Bypass through Parabola100
510 - Proposing the Rental of Hellworms100
520 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell240
521 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Feducci's Guidance240
522 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following April's Guidance200
523 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Virginia's Guidance100
525 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Bishop of Southwark's Guidance520
526 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following His Amused Lordship's Guidance100
528 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Cornelius' Guidance100
529 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Viscountess' Guidance100
700 - Proposing that the Unyielding Highlander become Castellan of Balmoral200
710 - Proposing that September become Castellan of Balmoral200
720 - Proposing that the Fervent Widow become Castellan of Balmoral200
800 - Proposing a tracklayer aligned with Mr Fires100
850 - Proposing Cornelius to lead200
905 - Proposing the Dean of Xenotheology as Patron of the Burrow Church500
910 - Proposing the Bishop of St Fiacre's as Patron of the Burrow Church500
931 - Resuming Normal Operations with Furnace in Charge260
932 - Supporting Cornelius' Prehistoricist Building Approach260
933 - Supporting a Brightly-Lit Building Approach100
934 - Proposing a Package of Measures to Resume Normal Operations300
940 - Proposing special consideration to certain charitable groups100
941 - Proposing a dividend be paid out to the poor of the Hinterlands100
1000 - Proposing an expensive tribute to the Hillchanger Tower260
1010 - Proposing an inhuman tribute to the Hillchanger Tower240
1020 - Proposing a calendrical tribute to the Hillchanger Tower240
1100 - Proposing to send your train to war in Parabola
(Cats, FKs, Gent, Visc., Other)
200 (Cats)
0 (FKs, Gent)
300 (Other)
1110 - Proposing to build a spur line into Parabola so that you can send in a war-train100

Success Text[edit]

Question before the BoardSuccess Description
4"I suppose..." […] "If you truly think it is best. I don't know as much about trains as canals." There is a dismissive sound from someone else on the board: not everyone considers the Gondolier old and wise enough to be part of your company.
5"I suppose..." he says, with grave doubt. "The Hills belong to other powers. It might be better to avoid those."
7"All right," he says, slowly. "You've all talked me around. Though I would rather we were exploring the Hurlers, I've heard things–" "We'll get there later," says someone else, and a cold hush falls over the table.
100"Is it how they're built in Venice?" he asks turning his head sideways to look at the plans. He will obviously agree if you say yes.
181 - 187"I don't know much about city planning," frowns the Gondolier. "So I suppose I'll go along with it."
205The Gondolier has a surprising range of views on the transport of cargo, the application of tariffs, the proper training of carriers, and much else.
230"Is that allowed?" he asks, surprised. "It is not how the Guild would do it, but perhaps."
310, 400"Does any of that come to me? No, of course not; I haven't invested," says the Wandering Gondolier. "But the people who did should get their share, definitely."
500The Gondolier frowns. "No, run that past me again." He listens intently; his shoulders droop. "No, sorry. I'm sure you know what you're doing though!!" His expression is one of guileless trust.
510"Hellworms!" says the Wandering Gondolier. His face is alight. "I have heard of them. I never thought we would have a chance to command one ourselves. I will have to visit the team in the field."
520 - 523, 525, 526, 528, 529"I had another idea," he says. "But this one also works!" There is a faint undertone of hurt pride, though. He really did want to propose his solution this time.
700, 720"Do you think we could go to the installation?" ask the Gondolier.' eagerly. That sounds like an 'aye.'
710"September has spirit," says the Wandering Gondolier. "And ideas about what he wants to do with the place." He blushes faintly.
905, 910The Gondolier is very keen that his colleagues on the Board be happy and be able to pursue whatever outside interests that they may have. He would not dream of standing in their way.
932"Would we be able to get rides?" asks the Gondolier. "Could it be put on a boat and rowed down the canal so that everyone could see?"
940 - 941"How wonderful!" exclaims the Gondolier. "Surely this will help some of those Gondoliers put out of work by the Railway?"
1000 - 1020"This is just the kind of person – or thing, or being – that I hoped to see!" says the Gondolier. "And there are stories, you know, about the tribute that was paid when the canals were built."
1100, 1110The Gondolier nods his head eagerly. "We should take every opportunity to expand our horizons we can. Though – are the guns really necessary?" He flushes. "I'm sure you know best of course!"
1200The Gondolier is enthusiastic. It will make the city so much easier to visit, and he longs for that.

Failure Text[edit]

Question before the BoardFailure Description
4"Won't it be bad for the workers?" he asks. "I have heard of those grasses."
5"Those hills are full of old tombs and the caves of highwaymen," says the Gondolier. "One often hears about them."
7"The canals don't go there," he says, and it's as though he isn't sure the place could truly exist on the map.
9The Wandering Gondolier scowls. "Nasty terrain that way. Have you thought about flooding it instead?"
10 - 21, 24, 26, 27, 29 - 33, 35, 37The Wandering Gondolier sighs. "Do we have to get rid of anybody? Everyone's so nice here. They've all been lovely to me."
22, 310 – 320, 340The Wandering Gondolier frowns. "I wouldn't have thought of that myself, and I'm not sure it's right."
100, 105, 115 - 160"It doesn't look very suitable," says the Wandering Gondolier unexpectedly. "The one that you built in Jericho Locks was much better. We should make sure we live up to the same standard."
181, 182, 184 - 187The Gondolier sighs. "I'm not so sure about this plan. Could you explain it again?"
200"Why do we need guns? We come in friendship and the spirit of enquiry." He blinks. "Don't we?"
205"We might find ourselves opposed to those who transport by water," he says dubiously. "There are established ways to bring things to the Docks already."
210The Gondolier doesn't understand the fuss. "As long as they get where they're going, what does it matter? They should be looking out of the windows anyway."
220, 800, 850The Gondolier scowls discouragingly.
230The Wandering Gondolier says he thinks that there is not room for everyone to be at the top of a hierarchy. He makes some tortured analogy to a matter involving Doctore members of the Gondoliers, which no one but you is able to follow.
240The Gondolier asks, a little timidly, whether there's any value in making the Tracklayers angrier than they already are.
300"Statement? Ugh. This is a slippery slope," the Gondolier cautions, "The Guild has three hundred statutes last I looked. I should know – I broke most of them."
400"Oh don't ask me about the budget," the Gondolier says bored, "Isn't the point of it that we spend it on the railway?"
500The Gondolier frowns. "I don't know. I understand Hell. Shouldn't we focus on the railway that exists? Not the one that might."
510The Wandering Gondolier plainly wants to vote in favour. But he has frequently told to be more considered with his votes. "That... might be dangerous?" he says. A no vote, even if a regretful one.
520 - 523, 525, 526, 528, 529"I don't like it," he says, frowning. "There are old warnings in the lore of the gondoliers about straying too far in this part of the Neath, and we should consider them."
700, 720The Wandering Gondolier frowns. "It's a risk," he says. "There are people in that neighbourhood that might not care for it."
710"I like September," says the […] Gondolier – as though that were remotely pertinent to the conversation. "But he might not like being stuck there at Balmoral after all, if he doesn't have any choice about leaving, or... or that sort of thing."
905The Gondolier frowns. "I don't know. I don't think I could manage a second job on top of the Board work!" The Dean gives him a look that could curdle milk, which the Gondolier entirely fails to notice.
910The Gondolier frowns. "I don't know. I don't think I could manage a second job on top of the Board work!" The Bishop gives him a look that could sour cream.
931, 933 - 934, 940 - 941The Gondolier frowns. "Would it really work out the way we hope it would?"
932The Gondolier frowns. "They'll be making metal gondoliers next."
1000 - 1020"Tributes were paid when the canals were built," says the Wandering Gondolier. "But that was a long time ago. It's hard to tell from the histories how it worked out."
1100, 1110The Wandering Gondolier wrinkles his nose. "I think I might be a pacifist," he says, sounding out the word carefully.
1200The Gondolier frowns. "I thought the Tracklayers were trying to get away from London."