Hinterland City - Foundation

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

What was the Hinterland City like when it was founded?

See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click here to show them.

Level Explanation

The level gained is equal to ( + + ).

As a quick reference:

Hinterland City - Founding BodyBody Type
1000Furnace Ancona
2000Furnace Ancona, Starved
4000Your Double
5000The Manager's Double
Hinterland City - Official AlignmentAlignment
110Radical Liberationist
210Radical Prehistoricist
310Radical Emancipationist
700Mixed Ideology
760Complacently Unrevolutionary
Leader of the TracklayersLeader
1Furnace Ancona
3Fires' Lackey
4Your Lackey

Note that if the is the same as the Founding Body, the quality description will reflect that the city is leaderless.

Unaccounted Entries

The quality has the largest set of possible level descriptions (QLDs) in the game. A substantial number of those haven't been obtained, and it's unlikely all of them will be obtained conventionally within the foreseeable future. You can get a clearer picture by checking out the table below.

QLDs for cells marked with ✓ are listed under Levels.

Found QLDs Furnace Furnace, Starved Cornelius Your Double The Manager
100 - Lib
110 - Lib+
150 - LibPh
200 - Ph
210 - Ph+
250 - PhEm
300 - Em
310 - Em+
350 - EmLib
400 - ALib
500 - APh
600 - AEm
700 - Mix
750 - Bal
760 - Unrev
800 - Unkn


1110: A Liberationist Stronghold Sprung from the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with January Leading
1120: A Radical Liberationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with January Leading
1152: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Cornelius Presiding
1160: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Sprung from the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with January Leading
1201: A Leaderless City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Prehistoricist
1202: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Prehistoricist, with Cornelius Sadly but Proudly Leading
1204: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Prehistoricist, with Your Lackey Trying to Preside
1251: A Leaderless Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona
1252: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Cornelius Presiding
1301: A Leaderless City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Emancipationist
1302: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Emancipationist, with Cornelius Trying to Preside
1305: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Prehistoricist, with January Grimly Leading
1311: A Leaderless but Radically Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona
1312: A Radical Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Cornelius Presiding
1313: A Radical Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Mr Fires' Lackey Trying to Shed Light on Matters
1315: A Radical Emancipationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with January Leading
1351: A Leaderless, Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Sprung from the Bones of Furnace Ancona
1360: An Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with January Leading
1401: An Leaderless Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona
1402: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Cornelius Presiding
1505: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now Anti-Prehistoricist, with January in charge
1701: A Leaderless Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona and Serving Mixed Ideologies
1710: A City That Was Once Furnace Ancona, Now of Mixed Ideology, with January in charge
1751: A Leaderless Stronghold Sprung from the Bones of Furnace Ancona and Dedicated to Balance between Ideologies
1752: An Ideologically Balanced Stronghold Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Cornelius Presiding
1754: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Sprung From the Bones of Furnace Ancona, with Your Lackey Trying to Preside

2103: A Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey
2110: A Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by January
2203: A Prehistoricist Testing-Ground, Raised from the Remains of Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey
2204: A Prehistoricist Testing-Ground, Raised from the Remains of Furnace Ancona, Led by your Lackey
2254: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Your Lackey
2303: An Emancipationist City That Was Once a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey
2354: An Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by your Lackey
2403: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey
2404: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Your Lackey
2703: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey
2754: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Your Lackey
2763: A Stronghold of No Ideology, Risen from the Remains of a Starved Furnace Ancona, Led by Fires' Lackey!

3101: A Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Furnace Ancona
3103: A Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Mr Fires' Lackey
3110: A Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Triumphantly Led by January
3111: A Radical Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Furnace Ancona
3112: A Leaderless, Radical Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3152: A Leaderless, Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3201: A Prehistoricist Testing-Ground, Raised from the Remains of Cornelius, with Furnace Ancona Trying to Lead in a Manner That Respects His Wishes
3202: A Prehistoricist Testing-Ground, Raised from the Remains of Cornelius, Awaiting a Scientist of Suitable Calibre to Lead
3212: A Leaderless, Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3213: A Leaderless, Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3215: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Doubtfully Led by January
3251: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Furnace Ancona
3252: A Leaderless, Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3301: An Emancipationist City Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led Without Discernible Regret by Furnace Ancona
3401: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Furnace Ancona
3501: An Anti-Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Led by Furnace Ancona
3502: A Leaderless, Anti-Prehistoricist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3503: An Anti-Prehistoricist City Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Destructively Supervised by the Lackey of Mr Fires
3601: An Anti-Emancipationist Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Uncomfortably Led by Furnace Ancona
3603: An Anti-Emancipationist City Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Destructively Supervised by the Lackey of Mr Fires
3701: A Mixed Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius, Uncomfortably Led by Furnace Ancona
3702: A Leaderless, Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius
3752: A Leaderless, Precisely Balanced Stronghold Risen from the Remains of Cornelius

4101: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4102: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Cornelius in Charge
4110: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Supervising
4115: A Radical Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Supervising
4151: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4160: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Supervising
4201: A Living Prehistoricist Defiance of the Great Chain, Made from Your Double, with Furnace in Charge
4202: A Living Prehistoricist Defiance of the Great Chain, Made from Your Double, with Cornelius Guiding Further Experiment
4203: A Living Prehistoricist Defiance of the Great Chain, Made from Your Double, Being Steered Towards Destruction by Mr Fires' Lackey
4204: A Living Prehistoricist Defiance of the Great Chain, Made from Your Double, Supervised by Your Own Lackey
4205: A Living Prehistoricist Defiance of the Great Chain, Made from Your Double, Overseen With Some Doubts by January
4211: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4214: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Your Own Lackey Supervising
4251: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4255: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Supervising
4301: An Emancipationist Attempt at Utopia, Made from Your Double, with Furnace in Charge
4302: An Emancipationist Attempt at Utopia, Made from Your Double, with Cornelius in Charge
4303: An Emancipationist Attempt at Utopia, Made from Your Double, Being Shepherded Towards Downfall by Mr Fires' Lackey
4311: A Radical Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4315: A Radical Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Supervising
4351: A Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
4355: An Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Awkwardly Supervising
4401: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4402: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Cornelius in Charge
4403: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Fires' Lackey Exerting Questionable Control
4405: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Awkwardly Supervising
4501: An Anti-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4601: An Anti-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4605: An Anti-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Awkwardly Supervising
4701: A Stronghold of Mixed Ideologies, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4702: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Cornelius in Charge
4703: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Mr Fires' Lackey Exerting Questionable Control
4704: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with Your Own Lackey Supervising
4710: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Awkwardly Supervising
4751: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideologies, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4754: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Your Own Lackey Supervising
4755: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Awkwardly Supervising
4761: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4762: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Cornelius in Charge
4763: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Mr Fires' Lackey Exerting Questionable Control
4764: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Your Own Lackey Supervising
4765: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Angrily Supervising
4801: A Stronghold Indifferent to Politics, Made from Your Doppelganger, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
4810: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Your Doppelganger, with January Angrily Supervising

5101: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5102: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5105: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from May's Double, Led by a January Rejoicing in Calendrical Schemes
5110: A Liberationist Stronghold Made from May's Double, Led by a January Rejoicing in Calendrical Schemes
5111: A Radical Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5114: A Radical Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5151: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5152: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5154: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5155: A Liberationist-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, Supervised by January
5201: A Prehistoricist City That In Every Sense Embodies an Insult to the Great Chain of Being, Discordantly Fabricated from the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
5202: A Prehistoricist City That In Every Sense Embodies an Insult to the Great Chain of Being, Discordantly Fabricated from the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius Guiding Further Experiment
5203: A Prehistoricist City That In Every Sense Embodies an Insult to the Great Chain of Being, Discordantly Fabricated from the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Mr Fires' Lackey Assigned to Bewildered Supervision
5204: A Prehistoricist City That In Every Sense Embodies an Insult to the Great Chain of Being, Discordantly Fabricated from the Manager of the Royal Beth, and Supervised by Your Own Lackey
5212: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5213: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Mr Fires' Lackey Exerting Questionable Control
5214: A Radical Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5251: A Prehistoricist-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5301: An Emancipationist Dream-City, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Furnace Ancona in Charge
5304: An Emancipationist Dream-City, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Directing it At Your Whim
5310: An Emancipationist Dream-City, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, Led Towards Revolution by a January with Darker Plans
5351: An Emancipationist-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5355: An Emancipationist-Liberationist Dream-City, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, Led Towards Revolution by a January with Darker Plans
5401: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5402: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5404: An Anti-Liberationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5501: An Anti-Prehistoricist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5602: An Anti-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5604: An Anti-Emancipationist Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5701: A Stronghold of Mixed Ideology, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5702: A Mixed-Ideology Stronghold Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5710: A Mixed-Ideology City, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, Led Towards Revolution by a January with Darker Plans
5751: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with a Darkly Amused Furnace Ancona in Charge
5752: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Cornelius in Charge
5753: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Mr Fires' Lackey Exerting Questionable Control
5754: A Stronghold of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences
5755: A City of Precisely Balanced Ideology, Formed from a Discordant Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth, Led Towards Revolution by a January with Darker Plans
5764: A Stronghold Indifferent to Revolution, Made from Half the Manager of the Royal Beth, with Your Lackey Keeping an Eye on the Consequences