The (Alignment) Way/(Liberationist)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The City of the Tracklayers (Guide)

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Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The town has a purpose that extends beyond mere survival. […]

Description summary:
The rest of the description varies based on the current .

FurnaceTo Furnace it is more pragmatic and homely than the extinction of stars. Let Mr Fires be prevented from doing its malice in London; let word of the Union reach the Surface and inspire action there. But she is not the only actor on this stage.
CorneliusCornelius […] hopes of the Chain reimagined, re-forged. But the city is not sufficiently with him, […] For now, it will be enough to turn popular understanding against the powers above. Let London really understand what Liberation is […].
Fires' LackeyThis project is bound, of course, to be undermined by Mr Fires. Through his Lackey, he watches everything, and always knows when any real threat is rising.
Your Own LackeyYou are mildly troubled by the irony of schooling your obedient lackey in the nature of liberation and the error of human hierarchy. Happily, he himself perceives no incongruity.
JanuaryNo one can explain the project of Liberation better than January: it reaches from the present moment to the end of time; from the front door to the farthest reach of the galaxy. The work did not begin with this city […] But it has […] a very significant place.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with  is: Liberationist, Radical Liberationist, or Liberationist-Prehistoricist,

Locked with

Card drawn in

Occurs with Standard Frequency


(Assist with sabotage of the Masters)
Consult (the City) to find hidden hierarchies

Radical Liberationist

Re-educate citizens who do not espouse the Liberation
Eradicate citizens who are insufficiently Liberationist


(Assist with the Breeding Programme) (Non-Lacreous)
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with  is: Liberationist-Prehistoricist
    Locked with  (hidden)



    Stamina, muscle

(Assist with the Breeding Programme) (Lacreous)
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with  is: Liberationist-Prehistoricist,  (hidden)



    Stamina, muscle
