A Bounty Upon Your Head

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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A dark shape on the horizon. A ship. She bristles with weaponry, and flies the flag of [Nationality]. It seems word has spread that you are on the hunt for one of theirs, and they hope to repay in kind.

Description summary:
The flag being waved varies depending on the type of ship you are chasing.

Ship TypeFlag
50the Fleet of Truth
100 - 199the Admiralty
200 - 299the White-and-Golds
300 - 399Polythreme
400 - 499the Iron Republic

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Corsair's Colours 2, Chasing Down Your Bounty

Locked with An Exceptional Journey (hidden)

Card drawn in Zailing the Unterzee

Occurs with Standard Frequency

Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.


Open fire!
Signal the HMS Ramillies for support
Evade them!