A Carnelian work

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Stage your ballet!

Your time in Port Carnelian has given you ample insight into the ferocious aesthetics of the Court of the Wakeful Eye. This work will impress them.

Unlocked with  15,  is:

  • Remembered by the people
  • A popular role model
  • A cherished leader
  • A lasting influence
  • A legacy established

Wiki note: This branch is only visible after being Restored to Court; the actual unlock check is at the parent storylet.
This branch has two (almost) identical looking versions, based on one's level. Besides some minor text changes, the only practical difference is a slight change to the rewards - see below.


Grand Guignol

[…] The stage is draped in sapphires […]. You present a society oft misunderstood: rapacious, proud and aggressively charming.

[…] you were right to keep the scene where the lead is messily devoured, having been found guilty of mirror-possession.[…]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

With at least 15: