A Dream of a Thousand Tails

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Whisker-Ways (Guide)

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You dream that a story lives in your walls. It has got its teeth into your pantry. It tells itself in little leavings by the skirting board. You hear it when you're in bed, in the dark, scampering towards an ending.

The story has whiskers, and it goes like this: 'There is a king little bigger than a finger, who sits in a garden beyond the edge of telling. The king ties itself in knots, and feasts upon stories like a rat upon cheese...'

This is a FATE-locked story.

It was originally published in December 2023

The story can be unlocked from Explore the Festive Season or Parabolan Base-Camp for 25 FATE points.

More information can be found here.

Notable Rewards and Tie-ins

Unique options with:

Starting Storylet

Permanent starting storylet