A Renaissance Piece!

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Publish your song!

There's an occasional vogue at court for the glories of the medium aevum.

Wiki note: This branch is only visible after being Restored to Court; the actual unlock check is at the parent storylet


Ave, Ave and thrice Ave

[…] it's on with the hurdy-gurdy, the dulcimer, and the lute[…] even […] the bladder-pipe. […] the entirety of the mouldering Gradual […] the Lays of Saint Forthigan. All of them.

One burnished old colonel attempts to leave[…]. You pursue him with the bladder pipe[…]

Description summary:
You are committed to authenticity, which baffles the Court, but they sit through all the traditional pieces you found. This performance displeases a colonel, who tries to leave early, and you mock him with a bladder pipe, to the enjoyment of some of the audience.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]