A Tiny Sip of Hesperidean Cider

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
An acquaintance has offered you a tiny sip of Hesperidean Cider.

Unlocked with a redirect from responding to a Cider sip via Offer a tiny sip to a friend


Drink, and luxuriate in your bed
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with  [friend's name]


    When Sent

    The Garden gleams You dream of a place of tremendous beauty. The garden reminds you of the great jungles of the Surface, the sky brightly lit, the heat heavy. All things seem to fly here, and the trees bear boughs amply filled with golden fruit.

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You sipped the cider [friend's name] offered you.
    • You completed Social Event: A Tiny Sip of Hesperidean Cider with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] sipped the cider you offered, and slept. They dreamed of the Garden.

Sip, and write notes on the taste
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with  [friend's name]


    When Sent

    Records of Cider What you write is more a poem than a mere description. The flavour makes you think of boughs laden with golden fruit; makes you consider the sacredness of flying things. It tastes of vitality, it tingles with flavours of eternal life. […]

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You sipped the cider [friend's name] offered you, and took extensive notes on its exquisite taste.
    • You completed Social Event: A Tiny Sip of Hesperidean Cider with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] sipped the cider you offered. They took extensive notes on its exquisite taste.

Refuse the drink
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with  [friend's name]


    When Sent

    Thirst remains Whatever the reason, you do not drink of the Hesperidean Cider. That is a privilege you leave for another.

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You refused to sip the cider [friend's name] offered you.
    • You completed Social Event: A Tiny Sip of Hesperidean Cider with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] did not sip the cider you offered.
