A city with no social ideology

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: A Realignment of Local Politics

Action Cost: 0

All the old dreams are set aside. Who now cares about the revolution?

Locked with Supporting the Liberationist Tracklayers, Supporting the Emancipationist Tracklayers, Supporting the Prehistoricist Tracklayers


Hinterlandcity.png [City Name]

Political will always vanishes in the presence of a proper solvent. It's just a question of knowing what that is. Kataleptic toxicology on a civic scale.


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on the current Leader of the Tracklayers.

Leader of the TracklayersSecond Paragraph
FurnaceFurnace tries to see this in a positive light. The revolutionary spirit has diminished because the need for it has been alleviated, perhaps? [...] But she would prefer to hope that one day the city will be able to do more for others elsewhere.
CorneliusCornelius is disappointed, though he accepts that the population never did understand all the more theoretical aspects of his politics. As long as they allow some experimentation to continue, [...] there is still a hope of turning things to good account.
Fires' LackeyMr Fires' Lackey cackles into his soup. He always knew (he says) that they didn't really have the stomach for a proper revolution.
Your LackeyYour Lackey doesn't bother to ask what you're doing. You've always had your plans, a level or two above his head, and it's no difference to him what they are as long as his job continues well-paid and effortless.
JanuaryJanuary is livid. She can barely bring herself to form sentences.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]