A familiar face by the school railings

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
You last saw this girl […] with an urchin-gang. […] 'I got caught robbin' the Gracious Widow, didn't I? […] She took a shine to me. […] the Widow's lookin' for a daughter, but I've already got a mum […] Don't know what to do.'

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Connected: The Widow 30, 5 x Favours: Urchins

Card drawn in Fallen London

Occurs with Very Infrequent Frequency (half as common as Standard)

Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.


Advise the girl to return to the Widow
Arrange for the girl to return to the urchin-gangs

Conflict Cards Overview
- X
- X X
X -
- X X
- X
X X - X
- X
X X - X
- X X
X -
X - X
X X -
X X X -