Adopt a Ruthless approach

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Evening's Loitering

Your scrutiny shall be unwavering. You will also arrange a debtor to report from nearby to ensure your surveillance is not discovered. You will not rest and nor shall they.

Unlocked with  61-80,  4

When Sent

Wearied watch

You receive regular notes reassuring you that your watch has not been observed. The last implores you to have them relieved. You refuse. This work is important.

In Messages Tab

You will receive:

You have asked [friend] to join you for a bit of loitering. Or more than a bit, depending on how long it takes for your b___dy mark to show themselves.

Your friend will receive:

[Friend] is keeping a strict watch over a certain building for many hours. They request your assistance in the matter.

Redirects to: Invited to Loiter