Advent Calendar 2021

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From December 1st to the 25th, FBG will release an access code every day at noon GMT. It may give anything, from little trinkets to rare or even previously fate-locked items.

Visit the Fallen London Advent Calendar or the Failbetter Twitter page for the newest access codes! This is simply an archive of the story snippets which accompany each code.

December 1st[edit]

Bazaardoor paper.png

Access Code:

The Bazaar rations and licenses Christmas cards. Wisely! They are perilous and subversive harbingers of a peculiar tradition. But hush: here are additional cards, escaped through the Paper Door.


This has given you seven Potential Christmas Cards. Send them before Christmas, from your lodgings!

[From 2nd December until Christmas Day, you will receive new Christmas cards each week via Time, the Healer.]

December 2nd[edit]


Access Code:

Clanging and scraping noises from below jar you from sleep. To your groggy ears it sounds like pickaxes working clumsily at some hidden seam. However, the fluting, babbling sound is unmistakable. Rubbery Men in the cellar!


Discovered, they flee! The corridor is narrow – rubbery flesh squeezes past you in the dark. They have abandoned their tools, along with whatever they were excavating from behind your cellar wall.

December 3rd[edit]


Access Code:

A seasonal gift to the city, from a mysterious and wealthy benefactor. Parcelled up on every doorstep, unwrapped it provokes both wonder and confusion...


A panoply of panels; a diorama of lenses! A gadget of intricate brass design complete with a leatherbound case containing a hundred neatly arranged slides. Placing each before the lenses transports one to a phantasia of kaleidoscopic wonders! Shattering a lens is no obstacle to its pleasure: the fractures are, if anything, even more arresting than the whole.

December 4th[edit]


Access Code:

A hush quiets the hustle and bustle of the city. Winter cold keeps urchins to their hidden haunts, and away from your roof. Tonight, finally, you might be able to get some uninterrupted rest.


You wake early, to the sound of urchins cackling at a fishmonger who has slipped in something nacreous. The quiet was never going to last. When you lean out to observe the slapstick, you spot something glinting brilliantly on your windowsill. Where did that come from?

December 5th[edit]


Access Code:

An arch of mistletoe hangs between two lamposts. A Lonely Clay Man waits beneath; his expression is dubious.


Someone approaches him; the kiss is brief, and he turns away almost immediately. "No. This is not what I want," he announces. He sighs and shakes his head, before walking away, alone, into the gloom.

December 6th[edit]


Access Code:

A sprinkling of lacre's come early this year. Your doorstep is rank with fishy-smelling white goo. Happy Christmas-to-come.


Ah, lacre. The Neath's answer to snow. Lacre-men always seem watchful. Lacre-capped roofs tingle with sinister phosphorescence. Lacre dissolves in water only reluctantly, like a guest who hopes to find space in your box-room.

[Use this in your inventory to learn more about lacre or acquire a Destiny.]

December 7th[edit]


Access Code:

A sound, downstairs at midnight. A burglar…?


Someone has left… something in the centre of your parlour. Was it a gift? Or did you disturb them at their midnight work?

December 8th[edit]


Access Code:

A parcel, ramrod straight, deposited through your letterbox. The wrapping is reminiscent of a butchers, but comes sealed with the sigils of the stall-holders of the famous Bone Market. What could be contained within?


Bones! What a festive delight! You can make them into wreaths or wend them into the tree or, with a sufficiency of them, put together a festive skeleton! What seasonal thrills, what a hallowed delight! You'll never need to worry about decorations again now you have your surfeit of bones!

December 9th[edit]


Access Code:

A thud against your windowpane. Snow skitters down the glass. Laughter, bright and high, from the other side.


Urchins! They pelt your door with snow, and your person too, when you step out onto the street. They run at your approach; you only catch a glimpse of a feathered colander-helmet. A few feathers are left behind, blue as the vanished sky.

December 10th[edit]


Access Code:

A thud in your hearth. Something crashes down your chimney and lands on your rug. Something bottled and pale and luminous.


A soul? Dropped from above, or intentionally rolled down your chimney? Either way, it's yours now. Keep it safe – there are fewer of these than once there were.

December 11th[edit]


Access Code:

A blood curdling scream rends the air! It came from just around the corner...


A Society matron is shaking her fist at the sky, swearing like a docker. She turns to you. "Bl___y urchins. Nearly brained me!" She gestures to a metal cross on the floor. "Dropped it from the roof – no thought of who might be walking here. I can't go to the river – I've tea with the Duchess on Tuesday."

December 12th[edit]


Access Code:

A parcel wrapped in seven colours of silk. The card reads A PEACE OFFERING.


'We've had our differences. But this is Christmas. Best wishes, the Fallen London Probably Random Number Algorithm'

December 13th[edit]


Access Code:

Two Constables bustle a burly man out of a house gleaming with Christmas decorations. "Oi!" says the man. "This isn't fair! It's entrapment!."

"Yes?" replies the younger of the constables. "That's rather the point." The police haven't shut the door behind them.


This is the constables' latest scheme: abandoned houses turned into honey-traps – with easy picking for thieves, and watchful constables lurking in every shadow. Every window in the house is cracked open. The front door lock is distressingly flimsy. And in clear view from the street is a large, gleaming safe – ajar. It has done its job here. You can put it to good use elsewhere.

December 14th[edit]


Access Code:

Someone at the door! How jolly, how quaint: a seasonal visitor! Best hope they don't prick their fingers on your holly-wreath..


Ouch! Perfidy! Calumny! A sock to your nose and the visitor is running pell-mell off into the fog. Funny, they've left something behind on your step. A pair of pugilist's gloves, slightly used. A note attached reads: a gift in anticipation of St Stephen's day...

December 15th[edit]


Access Code:

Your Aunt has called by to ensure that your Lodgings are appropriately decorated. She prattles on over tea, then stops abruptly, blushes, and sees herself out. She let something slip.


Her cherished recipe for scones! Now you know her secrets, it'll be scones for breakfast, dinner and tea. Everyone loves a scone.

December 16th[edit]


Access Code:

A smiling woman in an unfamiliar uniform, with eyes like moon-pearls, raps at your door. "Drink deep!" she says, handing you a steaming mug.


That steam! Inhale it and feel your synapses snap and your sinuses crackle.

[Drinking Darkdrop Coffee will refresh ten actions. Find it in your inventory.]

December 17th[edit]


Access Code:

Rustling from above! Something thumps across your ceiling, and your chimney coughs a cloud of ash. Who's on your roof?


By the time you've clambered onto your roof, it's empty. But tucked into the chimney is a wrapped bundle, perhaps the loot stashed by some fleeing burglar. You'll consider it an early present.

December 18th[edit]


Access Code:

Someone has enlisted an urchin to stand in the false-snow outside your lodgings and hand out tins of something.


"New! From Murgatroyd's," the child proudly declares. You're almost afraid to ask what's inside. The label proclaims that these are MURGATROYD'S patented JELLIED MUSHROOM CAKES, a NEW INVENTION to DELIGHT and ASTONISH – it goes on like this for some time.

December 19th[edit]


Access Code:

Dreams come thick and fast as the year wends its way to the end. Restful nights are many and slumber is deep as lacre-fall. What will you dream of when you lay down your weary head?


Cannonfire in silver forests, golden stags running before a queen with tines of rubies for a crown. Trenches dug deep in the fractures of a mirror-pane in which you must hold your position till the hour of dawn... When you wake, you find your head a little heavier. Your helmet has followed you home.

December 20th[edit]


Access Code:

What is this place? A sky of fire and names, a sea of pale tears?


This dream is over. Perhaps something remained.

[This has raised your Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre quality. You'll be able to trade it for rewards in January.]

December 21st[edit]


Access Code:

A fussy neighbour has brought you a small gift: it is an angel, meant to top a Christmas tree. "I picked it up for a song at the pawn shop!" she cries. "And I thought you could rather use a better one."


The angel itself is shabby. Its dress is stained, its face obviously glued back together after being dropped. But its diadem positively glows. Indeed, you pop the little jewel from its crown, and – oh, god! This is no ordinary stone! This is – yes!

December 22nd[edit]


Access Code:

A sudden commotion down on the embankment. A burst of raised voices, then an abrupt silence. The flurry of running footsteps.


By the time you look over the railing, there's no one there. Only a pile of opened crates (empty), and a shuttered lantern emitting a pool of reticent light. You take it.

December 23rd[edit]


Access Code:

At the back of the Blind Helmsman, a Frostbitten Midshipman shivers by the fire. She says she travelled with a Merchant Venturer to a frozen Northern door. For a mulled cider, she'll tell you what was behind it.


The High Wilderness! An unblemished frontier of endless night, awash with potential. The Merchant Venturer is out there, plying the wind-roads of the void. Where one has gone, may others follow?

December 24th[edit]


Access Code:

Ahahaha... Excuse me. We do beg your pardon. 'Ho ho ho.'


"Do you recall how we came to that place? And they sang of their lightnings and shapeful disgrace? And we tilted our vanes and ennobled our spires. They welcomed us then and commingled all choirs. And not enough, not enough. Still It mourns, and still waits the Sun."

December 25th[edit]


Access Code:

In Fallen London, it is Christmas. But wherever, whoever and whenever you are, Failbetter Games wishes you the best imaginable holiday of your dearest preference. We'll see you in 2022!


Meet, drink, and be many, for tomorrow They may dine.