Airs of Parabola

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

How does the air smell here? Like a lullabye?

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Airs of Parabola
1A spotted flank among the trees. It's there, then gone.
2Through the foliage, you spot a buttered scone the size of a mattress.
3The tree to your left sighs pointedly and walks away.
4A bird lands in front of you and pulls the fragments of an eggshell up around itself. In a moment, it is encased.
5Your skin glows warm with cosmogone rays.
6A cloud forms behind you and follows you, always two paces behind.
7The path becomes a vast serpent, and crawls away.
8Buried in the glass is a hand-mirror. Look into it, and you can see a factory full of Clay Men.
9A cow rages at you from behind a tree. When you go to look, it is ashamed of itself, and apologises for the strength of its language.
10 – 19A spotted flank among the trees. It's there, then gone.
20 – 29It has begun to snow feathers.
30 – 39The grass reproves you for stepping on it. Its accent is hard to place. Hungarian?
40 – 49A parade of spiders strolls past you. One waves. Two others are carrying a banner in support of the cultivation of flies.
50 – 59The wind is in a foul mood.
60 – 69Your left knee has begun to sing a walking-song.
70 – 79There are fish in the air, flocking as birds would.
80 – 89When you breathe, the air is slow to come out of your lungs again. It pools inside like caramel.
90 – 94Something is walking behind you.
95 – 98Something is walking behind you exactly in your footsteps. Do not turn around.
99 – 100Your clothes grow moody and talk amongst themselves.