Airs of the Khanate

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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Not every day in Khan's Heart is the same.

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Wiki note: Unlike other Airs qualities, Airs of the Khanate appears to have separate change descriptions for increases and decreases. When the same Airs number is generated twice, the latter is treated as an increase.

Airs Increase Descriptions

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 1

Airs of the Khanate
2 – 9White-and-golds wander the streets in pairs, their uniforms gleaming in the electric light.
10 – 14A lightbulb flickers and burns out.
15 – 19A stray mutt leaps into a canal, escaping the clutches of a dog-catcher.
20 – 24Waves lap at the edges of a canal.
25 – 29Music streams in from an apartment above – the telltale scratching of a phonograph cylinder.
30 – 34Wind from the North streaks through the streets.
35 – 39A stray wave shoves a water-taxi off its course. The driver is already arguing with a barge-pilot before their vessels collide in earnest.
40 - 44Streamers strung between buildings, fluttering in the wind.
45 – 49The façade of a music-hall: a blinding wall of lightbulbs surrounding a marquee in Khaganian script.
50 – 54A dog barks, alone in the distance.
55 – 59Rattus faber in tiny overalls crawl over a marquee, replacing burnt-out lightbulbs.
60 – 64The smell of tobacco wafts from a nearby building.
65 – 69A few White-and-Gold officers with hammers smash up a box of confiscated mirrors.
70 – 74Something slithers in the canal – a shark?
75 – 79A water-taxi driver ties his boat to a bollard. "Can't take you," he tells a pedestrian dressed as a Londoner. "Need to charge the batteries."
80 – 89Skewers charring on a street vendor's grill: mushrooms, pork belly, prawns.
90 – 100A grassy scent fills the street from a samovar in a tea-house.

Airs Decrease Descriptions

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 99

Airs of the Khanate
1 – 9White-and-golds wander the streets in pairs, their uniforms gleaming in the electric light.
10 – 14A lightbulb flickers and burns out.
15 – 19A stray mutt leaps into a canal, escaping the clutches of a dog-catcher.
20 – 24Waves lap at the edges of a canal.
25 – 29Music streams in from an apartment above – the telltale scratching of a phonograph cylinder.
30 – 49A stray wave shoves a water-taxi off its course. The driver is already arguing with a barge-pilot before their vessels collide in earnest.
50 – 88Something slithers in the canal – a shark?
89 – 98Skewers charring on a street vendor's grill: mushrooms, pork belly, prawns.