Airs of the Unsettling Workshop

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
This content was only available during the launch of an Exceptional Story:
The Season of Hobbies

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The Toymaker's shop is a carnival of the improbable, the unfortunate and the downright tasteless.

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Airs of the Unsettling Workshop
1 – 9The delighted squeal of a child picking up a new toy; a sudden shriek; the sound of running parental feet.
10 – 19The queasy squeak of a toy mouse as it's lifted up for inspection; a sudden sobbing.
20 – 29A jack in the box bursts open. Horrified screaming; a stampede towards the exit.
30 – 39The happy tuneless humming of the Unsettling Toymaker, which signifies he's working on something new.
40 – 49The sound of a crowd of Temperance Campaigners gathering outside the shop. They do not seem happy.
50 – 59An absent-minded uncle is buying presents for his nieces. Other customers look on, alarmed, but paralysed.
60 – 69Hammering from upstairs; the Unsettling Toymaker is putting together a danse macabre in the display window.
70 – 79A Rubbery Man lopes out of the shop, narrowly avoiding the clutches of the Unsettling Toymaker, who wished to employ it as a model.
80 – 89Ministry officials enter the shop, intent on confiscating all of the 'French Revoultionary Chess Sets' for the public good.
90 – 99A group of artists are touring the shop for inspiration; they are particularly enchanted with the model Moloch Street train set.
100The Unsettling Toymaker has produced a Rubbery clown. It is his third today.