Ascertain the Creditor's mood

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: An Invitation to Tea

Action Cost: 0

Is this bad? Is the Creditor displeased? Is the cedar tree in the Evenlode not flourishing as it should?


Not a matter of concern

(see table below)

Description summary:
The description varies based on what type of you created.

New-Minted CurrencyDescription
201 - Story-backed"I have my doubts," says the Solicitor-Baroness. "But the stories are important to the Bazaar. We understand that. The Creditor always seeks to make its deals based on terms that matter to the other party."
202 - Lacre-imbued"The lacre was welcome, of course. In fact, that gesture gave the Creditor ambitious plans for the future monstrosity of the Neath. […] I still believe we could have held out for more concessions... but then, my client has leverage now. […]"
203 - Story-backed and lacre-imbued"I have my doubts," says the Solicitor-Baroness. "But the stories are important to the Bazaar. We understand that. The Creditor always seeks to make its deals based on terms that matter to the other party. And the lacre was welcome, of course. […]"
204 - Soul-tied"It was not a generous settlement […] But it had a value to my client […] Tying each coin to a specific individual […] that has real value. There are certain humans in the Neath these days whom it would be very important to keep under suitable controls." [...]
205 - Soul-tied and story-backed"[…] the stories are important to the Bazaar. […] And tying each coin to a specific individual, of course: that has real value. […]"

"[…] I know the census is imperfect. […] But it is still an admission […] that certain people are the Bazaar's responsibility. […]"

206 - Soul-tied and lacre-imbued"It was not a generous settlement," […] "I had hoped for more. But it had a value to my client, all the same. Some governance over humans; a permission of space for that which is inhuman. A well-considered arrangement in its way."
207 - Soul-tied, story-backed, and lacre-imbued"It was not a generous settlement[…] Some governance over humans; a permission of space for that which is inhuman[…] The stories […] the Bazaar certainly fears the loss, and that is worth something too[…] This alliance […] is not so fragile as it might have been."
208 - Evenlode-alignedThe Solicitor-Baroness sucks air through her mouth-parts. "It is an arrangement that we could just about accept[…]But it is aggressive, unfriendly; it refers everything to a court, and rests nothing on amicable arrangements between the parties.[…]"
209 - Evenlode-aligned and story-backed[…] "Stories and law-suits," she says. "We did accept the arrangement; […] But the whole of the deal is composed of threats and punishments, things to befall the Bazaar if the relationship should crumble. It is all sting and no honey."
210 - Evenlode-aligned and lacre-imbued[…] "Lacre for friendship, and a boundary-court for the disputes," […] "It is the kind of compact that one monster makes with another. The Creditor found it hopeful. I put a little less credence in the success of these arrangements... but we will see. […]"
211 - Evenlode-aligned, story-backed, and lacre-imbued
213 - Evenlode-aligned, story-backed, and soul-tied
214 - Evenlode-aligned, lacre-imbued, and soul-tied
[…] "It was a rich settlement," […] "Almost everything I thought we had reason to hope for. The Creditor is very pleased. I put a little less credence in the success of these arrangements, but we will see. Water the cedar, and make sure it doesn't wilt."
212 - Evenlode-aligned and soul-tied"Soul-ties and the Evenlode court," she says. "Shall I tell you how I read it? The Bazaar is tired of his city and weary of his Masters. He will not mind if he has to send them away to be punished by some contrasting authority." She clicks her jaw. […]
215 - Evenlode-aligned, story-backed, lacre-imbued, and soul-tied[…] "It is a very generous arrangement," […]

[…] "Don't grow complacent. The arrangement is a good one, but it is not foolproof. […] My advice to you: keep the moon at a good distance, don't let Stones finish what it's up to, and keep the Cedar watered."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: An Invitation to Tea