Ask for help with nightmares 4

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Interview with the Interpreter: Death by Water

You just want a peaceful night's sleep for once.

Game Instructions: This will reduce your dream quality slightly, but may provide other benefits.

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 60%)


"Do go on."

From somewhere behind your head, Dr Schlomo listens to your tales. "Have you forgot the cry of gulls?" he asks. "You may find it soothing."

Rare Success

"Tell me more."

From somewhere behind your head, Dr Schlomo listens to your tales. "It is more, much more, than a fortnight dead. Fear not," he says.



From somewhere behind your head, Dr Schlomo listens to your tales. "Once handsome and tall," he says. "Once." If he says so.