Ask her about the Liberationists (Furnace 2)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Colour at the ChessboardDescription
RedDo they truly mean to darken the whole universe?
BlackAren't their plans the most truly revolutionary?
WhiteAren't their plans the most destructive, the most nihilistic?
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Conversation with Furnace or Alone with Furnace

Action Cost: 0

(See table above)

Unlocked with  10


Dark questions

(See table below)
Colour at the ChessboardDescription
Red[…] "Some of them do," […] her Liberationist mouth adds, "It is a broader coalition than you might think. There are a thousand reasons to prefer freedom." "Disorder," says the Prehistoricist mouth. "It's possible to have […] ambition without making a mess."
Black[…] "It certainly is the most committed to total change," she says. "Then again, it might merely replace suffering with more suffering." "Feeble defence of the status quo," comments the Liberationist mouth […] always the one that picks the most fights.
White[…] "Perhaps, […] But I know whenever someone starts with questions like those […] they don't have much sympathy […] You ask for a decent meal for your workers and you get back a load of high-flown rhetoric about how we're trying to tear the stars out of heaven."