Ask his opinion on this matter of changing Furnace into a city

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Conversation with the Lackey of Mr Fires

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The description varies with .

0-2Is this wise? What does he think? Would Mr Fires object?
3Is it safe? Is it wise?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with  (hidden)


Surely not

[…] Give the Revolutionary types and the trouble-makers somewhere to go, somewhere outside London. Concentrate 'em all in one place and keep 'em out of the factories. And if ever they cause trouble..."

He pantomimes detonating a Hillmover.

Description summary:
The beginning of the description varies with . The "Give" in the description above is replaced with "We give" if you have the quality at level 3.

0-2"Mr Fires doesn't remember a d—d thing, does it?" says Fires' Lackey. "But even if it did... what's wrong with this idea?
3"Here's how I see it," […] "It doesn't work and it kills Furnace straight out. […] Or: […] it leaves her in one piece […] We're no worse off […]

"Third possibility: it does work and she's made into a nice city with good streets. […] Win for us again, isn't it?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Conversation with the Lackey of Mr Fires