Become more watchful

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Seek Advice from the Grizzled Veteran

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:

Watchful GainsDescription
0"You're the attentive type. Takes one to know one." He smiles. "But I think you could do better. Could see more."
3+"Surely you've seen more than me." The Veteran nods at you. "Still, maybe I've been in the right place at the right time, and have something to share."

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Game Instructions: Increasing your Watchful Gains raises the cap on the Watchful stat, allowing you to raise it further – by one point per point of Watchful Gains.

Locked with  30 ( You are maximally watchful.)


To the point

Description summary:

GainsDescriptionSuccess Instructions
0"You much of a scientist? It's not something you can tell just by looking at someone." […] "I hear that if you do enough work at a laboratory […] you'll get invited to lunch with the Dean of Supernumerary Fellows. You could learn a lot, there."You will need a base Watchful of 200, and to reach 40 in the Prestige of your Laboratory.
3"You can learn a lot from that Dean. If he thinks you're sufficiently attentive to your work in the laboratory, he might even invite you to tea. I'd accept that offer. That is, if I wanted to learn whether he had any ulterior motive […]Speak to the Dean of Supernumerary Studies and research Mr Spices' Private Stash.
6"I'm sure if I'd tried a different career, I could have been a scientist. There are other ways of learning, but close study can be invaluable." He grins. "You've been looking into Mr Spices' stash. Have you tested it on anything?"Return to the laboratory and test Mr Spices' Private Stash on animals, then speak with the Dean.
12"Have you been helping with the railway? You might find something worth looking into the factory at Station VIII." He considers you for a moment. "You'll need to go there out of hours, if you know what I mean?"Discovering the Dirigible Mast at Station VIII will add Something is Landing to your Station VIII deck. Draw this enough times, and you will be able to talk with a certain Master.
15"The Masters seem rather interested in Station VIII, don't you think? I wonder why." The Veteran stares into his pint. "How is Spices doing, by the way?"Mr Spices will visit Station VIII. Offer your medical opinion on its health.
18He shrugs. "Well, you took a sample of its tears? Take them to your laboratory!"An experiment is available at your Laboratory.
21"Huh," the Veteran says, staring into his pint. "That's quite something. Have you gone back to Mr Spices with your results?"Return to Mr Spices at Station VIII – or, perhaps, you could talk to the Solicitor-Baroness, at Moloch Street. Doing so will unlock a new experiment in your Laboratory.
24The Veteran looks increasingly alarmed at what you're describing. "I, er," he stammers. "Right, well, what you ought to..." he starts, but then he can only nod and trail off.Board the locomotive you've built for Mr Spices at Moloch Street.
27The Veteran has no advice for you – he's much too distracted by the infant idly chewing on your head.Depending on your choices, you may be able to bring Mr Transport to a number of destinations: Try Marigold Station, the Magistracy of the Evenlode, and the Bazaar Side-Streets.

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