Alan's blog posts

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Module:ItemList is dead, long live Template:Item
(created by Alan on 02:15, 11 December 2021)
Hi all,
Thanks to the work done by User:PSGarak, we've been able to remove the step of updating the subpages of Module:ItemList (e.g. Module:ItemList/Gloves).
Now, effects will only need to be filled in within the Item template, using the EffectX parameter(s). Access information (seasonality, fate, […]
Exceptions to Truncation Policy
(created by Alan on 21:56, 8 December 2021)
Hi all,
Recently, editors have been discussing whether {{Truncate}} should be applied to access code text and item descriptions. We reached out to Failbetter asking whether we'd be permitted to exempt this text from truncation, and they've given their permission.

We've had a chat internally and […]
VisualEditor Enabled
(created by Alan on 06:40, 16 October 2021)
I've enabled VisualEditor as an option on the wiki, coexisting with the old source editor. This should make it easier to create freeform tables when necessary. It's still highly recommended to use the source editor to work with templates, as source editing likely remains significantly more […]
Template Editor Group
(created by Alan on 05:57, 30 June 2021)
I finally got around to creating the template editor group.
Instead of fully protecting certain heavily-used templates so only administrators can edit them, this group allows us to grant more users the right to edit the aforementioned templates.
Currently, I've only downgraded the protection level […]
Better handling of edit conflicts
(created by Alan on 20:34, 3 June 2021)
The default MediaWiki edit conflict interface is easy to overlook, and a bit unwieldy besides.
A new extension has been installed ("Paragraph-based Edit Conflict Interface") that should improve the process of resolving edit conflicts. You can opt out, if desired, from Special:Preferences.
MediaWiki 1.36 and Other Updates
(created by Alan on 21:11, 19 May 2021)
MediaWiki 1.36.0 will be releasing sometime this month. The 1.36.0-rc.0 release candidate version is already available, and installed on dev. I would appreciate it if you'd poke at it and let me know if anything seems broken.
The current skin the wiki is using, DarkCosmos, posed […]
Changes to Quality and Item pages
(created by Alan on 16:41, 10 May 2021)
Semantic MediaWiki has been installed, and {{IL}} has been reworked to take advantage of Semantic MediaWiki. Huge thanks to PSGarak for doing the work necessary to make use of SMW.
In the past, y'all may have noticed slight performance degradations for a while after entries were added to […]
New Parameter for Narrow Challenges
(created by Alan on 23:59, 4 May 2021)
As some of y'all may have noticed, there are a few strange challenges in the Hurlers that don't follow the rule of "60% ± 10% for every level above or below the target level" - some challenges are inverted (Play a round of Blindfold Bezique), and some increment using steps that are not 10% (5%, in […]
Proposal: Changes to the wiki's skin
(created by Alan on 06:57, 25 April 2021)
One of the most common (and deserved) complaints about the wiki is regarding its skin. While the wiki was in development, I did enough to get the skin to a state which I deemed acceptable, but graphic design is very far from my passion, and I'll absolutely admit that the skin leaves much to be […]
ConfirmEdit and QuestyCaptcha installed
(created by Alan on 03:43, 4 April 2021)
As you may have noticed, there was a spate of spam account creations earlier today.
In response, I've enabled ConfirmEdit and QuestyCaptcha for new account creations and adding new external links.
There are currently four questions in rotation ("which company created FL", "what does EPA stand for", […]
Proposal: Reworking the Quality - IL - ItemList flow
(created by Alan on 19:30, 26 March 2021)
The current method of adding Qualities and Equipment, where entries must be manually added to Module:IL/images (and a subpage of Module:ItemList for equipment) suffers from two main issues:
Editors must know / remember / bother to add a new image to the respective module page(s).
Edits to […]
CirrusSearch has been installed!
(created by Alan on 06:29, 25 March 2021)
I've heard the frequent complaints about search behaviour, and am pleased to announce that CirrusSearch is now installed on this wiki!
Please play around with it (including settings in Special:Preferences), and let me know if you encounter any issues.
Comments and Message Walls have been migrated
(created by Alan on 20:14, 22 March 2021)
I've finished the process of migrating Comments and Message Wall posts. This was the last part that required Fandom data.
Message Wall posts have been moved to user talk pages. Please review your user talk page and rearrange things if you'd like.
For users with large user talk pages, please […]
Changes made in response to feedback
(created by Alan on 11:58, 22 March 2021)
I've made / am going to make a few changes to the wiki in response to feedback.

Users have pointed out that better comment extensions than mw:Extension:Comments exist, namely mw:Extension:CommentStreams. I'll be moving the wiki to that extension by Tuesday.
I've made a few changes for the sake of […]
Moving the Fallen London Wiki
(created by Alan on 18:51, 31 March 2021)
Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce that this wiki is currently planning on leaving Fandom. I realise that this might appear to be a bit of a fait accompli; I'd like to explain the decision and our plans here.

We've had issues with Fandom for years now (for example: here, and here), and have […]
Updates to the Fate policy
(created by Alan on 18:51, 31 March 2021)
Recently, there have been grey areas regarding content that has appeared to make otherwise Fate-locked content eligible for inclusion on the wiki. For example: the Rusty Census-Taker's Badge affecting 40-Masquing Companions, the Temple Club Access Code, and the Great Bone Market Crash of '98 […]