Neonix's blog posts

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
(created by Neonix on 22:58, 31 January 2012)
Quick! It's starting! Now is the perfect time to jump in and GRRRRIIIIIIINNNDDDD!

Neonix (talk) 22:58, January 31, 2012 (UTC)
Message Wall
(created by Neonix on 08:16, 31 January 2012)
From wikia

Message Wall is a new feature that replaces User Talk Pages. I've recently activated it on our wiki - please let me know if you approve! It should be easier to leave messages and keep track of the ones you receive (or so it says so, anyway). Give it a try!
Neonix (talk) 08:16, January […]
New Wikia Editor
(created by Neonix on 23:29, 21 June 2011)
Greetings, fellow Fallen Londoners!

Wikia has just released a new version of its Page Editor. I thought maybe we could try it out for a week or two, please let me know what you think. :)
--Neonix (talk) 23:29, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
House of Chimes
(created by Neonix on 22:41, 18 May 2022)
New from betterblog.

Again I must remind everyone that fate-locked content is strictly off-limits! If you find anything that violates this rule, let us know by posting in the Forums or by leaving a message on my talk page. (We tend to miss comments on the individual pages you see!)
More on Editing […]
(created by Neonix on 22:26, 13 May 2011)
Echo Bazaar is starting up a new project for community contributors -- Illumination!

To quote:

What is an Illuminate?
An Echo Bazaar player that we provide with preview information on upcoming content, and who we'll talk to a little more freely about design motives, background info and […]
We are now THE wiki.
(created by Neonix on 03:19, 31 March 2011)
as requested by Varissaelle:

We have now merged with making this the EchoBazaar resource on wikia. Their wiki now redirects to ours, and so I'm hoping to see new faces! :D
Neonix (talk) 03:19, March 31, 2011 (UTC)
Disambiguation Pages
(created by Neonix on 10:07, 27 March 2011)
Introducing the newest addition to our wiki: Disambiguation pages!

Disambiguation is the process of resolving ambiguity — the conflict that occurs when a term is closely associated with two or more different topics. In many cases, this word or phrase is the "natural" title of more than one […]
(created by Neonix on 14:21, 25 September 2013)
In the spirit of positive reinforcement, I present the newest addition to the Fallen London Archives - Achievement Badges!
I expect that in the next few days, everyone will be doing their best to improve the wiki to wrack up those points. ;) Try not to achievement grind by just editing […]
New Inventory Slots!
(created by Neonix on 20:35, 2 March 2011)

Expect new categories for our Item pages once they implement this in game. (Or we just might need a brand new categorizing scheme! Let me know if you have any ideas.)

Neonix 20:35, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
Exceptional Friends!
(created by Neonix on 18:44, 23 February 2011)
It is sad day! Free players are now reduced to a mere 40 actions per day (50 with refresh). :( That means I have to reduce the senseless grinding somewhat... Nevertheless, we must persevere!

Neonix 18:44, February 23, 2011 (UTC)
Recent changes
(created by Neonix on 06:29, 19 February 2011)
Hello everyone! It's only been 3 months since we first made this wiki, and we're approaching 2.5k pages already! :D Needless to say I'm very proud of what we've accomplished, but of course there's always room for improvement.

I recently added more links to the dropdown menus (see above) […]