Cast out the tomb-colonists

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Bandages and Dust: The Tomb-Colonies

Action Cost: 5

Your parlour is grey with dusty people and dusty conversations. Your rugs are sprinkled with frayed bandage-threads and flakes of dry skin. Your hallway smells of old age, preservatives and mildew. Enough!

Game Instructions: This will sever your ties with the tomb-colonists, allowing you to align with another group. Beware: You will lose all your Favours: Tomb-Colonies.

Unlocked with ,  is: Tomb-Colonists,  4


"...and trouble the living no more!"

They think it's a joke at first, but their wheezy laughter stops when you fetch the candles […]

They huddle outside, uncertain where to go […] Out flies one final tirade, a walking-cane, and a forgotten toe. The door slams closed again.

Description summary:
Driving them out with fire and vitriol.

[Find the rest of the story at]