A Church in the Wild 90, A Garden at Burrow-Infra-Mump 1, A Museum of Souls 1, An Outpost of God's Editors 1, Burrow-Infra-Mump Development 3, Let the Devil Have His Due 50 - The rose thrives in Burrow, The Rose Liveth 1 - It lived

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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Ba-dum! Ta-tum! Irresistible Drum!

Ba-dum! Ta-tum! Irresistible Drum!

You pick up the drumsticks and do as they demand. It is a more effective alarm than a klaxon would have been. First there is a scattering of fore-shock beats – quick, erratic – but then it is a steady rhythm of escalating speed, a fusillade that plays as the ground rocks and the buildings stumble. Brick walls lay themselves flat. Lock barriers break open and spill water the colour of dirty milk. And somewhere in the middle distance is the groan of a tomb being opened.