From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

I definitely feel you. For instance, I wonder how many otherwise staunch Player Characters developed *flexible* attitudes towards Rubbery marriage simply to max BDR lol.

I remember when maxing BDR was basically the whole end-game: to enable grinding Paramount Presence and overcapping stats.

The new Paramount Presence requirements are much more accessible now, which is nice, but it leaves BDR as a much less important mechanic. Outside of Notability, the best uses I can think of right now are Khanate, and accessing certain Bone Market buyers; even those aren't particularly difficult. At the very least, it would be nice to have some additional extreme lategame challenges involving BDR, even if it was just for a very niche cosmetic quality or something.

I'm all for the changes to overcapping through the new Studies mechanic. Not only is it far less tedious, but it actually you actually get to explore unique content to enable it. Plus it doesn't get wasted after a Nadir visit lol.