Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Rewards

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This lists all items which can be obtained exclusively during and which you get to keep after finishing your Ambition.

Some of these are mutually exclusive.

Not listed are the non-final forms of the monkey (Hysterical Monkey and Cardsharp Monkey), which get replaced during the Ambition. Those are included in Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Items.

Description of concept "Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Rewards"RDF feed

The ultimate rewards of <span class="il-quality"></span>. See Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!.

 [[:A Bestiary of the Hearts' Desires]] OR [[:A Bright Brass Button]] OR [[:A Dream of Truth-Strangling]] OR [[:A Leasehold on All of London]] OR [[:A Palatial Holiday Home in the Arctic Circle]] OR [[:Beechwood's Moral Selection]] OR [[:Condemned Cardsharp Monkey]] OR [[:Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil]] OR [[:Marvellous Monkey]] OR [[:Newly-Cast Crown of the City of London]] OR [[:Note: A Meeting in the Forgotten Quarter]] OR [[:On the Maladies of Goats, volume 1]] OR [[:The Marvellous]] OR [[:The Robe of Mr Cards]] OR [[:The Thief-Oath of Tristram Bagley]]