Contribute some expertise to her next novel

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: An Author of Gothic Tales

She mentions in passing that she is blocked on a poisoning scene. You could advise.

Game Instructions: She will pay in Hinterland Scrip and First City Coins.

Challenge information

Narrow, Kataleptic Toxicology 5 (50% base)

  • 1 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 2 - high-risk (20%)
  • 3 - high-risk (30%)
  • 4 - tough (40%)
  • 5 - very chancy (50%)
  • 6 - chancy (60%)
  • 7 - modest (70%)
  • 8 - very modest (80%)
  • 9 - low-risk (90%)
  • 10 and above - straightforward (100%)


For those effects, two grains dissolved in spirit...

She describes the desired effect. When poisoned, the hero's sister must become unable to speak of anything but a childhood misfortune that still troubles her. After a night of restless dreams, she must die; and on her return from death, [...]


Too realistic?

Your explanation is enthusiastic and practiced. Halfway through the conversation, she realises that your poison expertise is hands-on, not merely theoretical. She hastily excuses herself.