Debating Matters of Business with the Board/Descriptions

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Question Description
Route to the next station
1 For the first track […] you have plotted a […] line to Ealing Gardens alongside the Moloch Line. It will require some demolitions, and a healthy payment to the Devils. […] it will avoid tearing down any housing currently used by orphans and widows.
2 Before the Board is a motion to build the railway line […] by demolishing houses […] There is some concern about the effect of this destruction on the working families who live in those areas, but the approach would provide a considerable savings.
3 You have suggested […] a route through the Pitiless Bog. The ground is waterlogged and the insects are big enough to steal cattle, but […] preserved creatures have been discovered […] Laying track […] would all but guarantee a few interesting finds.
4 You have proposed […] that the train be run over the Plain of Thirsty Grasses. The ground is solid and the course easy. The grasses […] pose no […] danger as long as the workers wear boots, avoid falling, and never allow their spittle to touch earth.
5 You have suggested a course of track through the Monkprince Hills, taking a line between the barrows, and most unlikely to trouble any old places of burial.
7 You are arguing with […] in favour of a ravine-crossing bridge, spanning thousands of feet, for which entirely novel engineering will be required. If built, however, such a monument might draw riders purely from a desire to see the lava below.
9 You have recommended a course to Hell through the wastelands that surround Station VIII.
500 The doors of the Boardroom are closed and locked and scribbled over with Correspondence wards [...] If the word of this ever came to the wrong ears, it would mean the gravest consequences for every person here.
510 The Railway has encountered a barrier of impenetrable rock. The proposed solution is that the board acquire Hellworms (at a considerable expense, and richly compensating the Devils who would make them available).
520 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. Old weapons still lie half-bedded in the frozen mud. [...] there are no other directions available.
521 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. Feducci has recommendations about how to find the safe ground – and what to do with the unsafe ground.
522 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred […] April knows weapons […] better than most, and she has proposed a course […] that will avoid the worst dangers and collect up certain valuable rewards for the GHR.
523 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. Virginia has distinct preferences about landmarks to avoid, however.
525 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred […] The Bishop of Southwark has proposed a method of crossing that terrain which he claims will pacify it as if it were the Red Sea.
526 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. His Amused Lordship thinks he knows how best to take it on.
527 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. You are building far from the canals now, but the Wandering Gondolier nonetheless has some suggestions […]
528 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. Cornelius has suggested a largely creature-based approach to finding your way.
529 The Railway has reached a point where the landscape is truly Hell-scarred, beyond which the land is particularly resistant to surveys. The Viscountess claims there are lessons here from her knowledge of Parabolan landscapes.
181 The current proposal covers […] laying tracks to Marigold by a wholly uncontroversial route; and setting aside a township […] just outside of Ealing Gardens. […] Some may feel it doesn't offer them as much independence as they would like.
182 The current proposal covers […] a township for the tracklayers in the hills above the Evenlode. […] it is not at all agreed that they necessarily need to live precisely there. Still, that location offers a generous supply of experimental bones.
183 The current proposal covers […] laying tracks to Marigold […] and setting aside a township for the tracklayers not far from Balmoral. […] It would […] permit them to spread their Emancipationist propaganda […] to comrades on the Surface.
184 The current proposal covers two items of business: laying tracks to Marigold […] and setting aside a township […] under the glaring lights of Station VIII. […] putting the tracklayers right under the eye of the Station might defang them entirely.
185 The current proposal covers […] setting aside a township for the tracklayers just by Burrow-infra-Mump. […] it is not at all agreed that they necessarily need to live precisely there. But the parishioners […] might be glad of a few extra voices in the choir […]
186 The current proposal covers […] setting aside a township […] in the unforgiving shadow between Moulin and Hurlers. They refuse to finish the line without some kind of township allotted […] Still, it is a spot that no one else at all is likely to want.
187 The current proposal covers […] setting aside a township […] out near Marigold Station. […] it is not at all agreed that they necessarily need to live precisely there. It would, however, keep them very far from London and any of their old disputes.
Removing Board Members
10 The question before the Board is whether His Amused Lordship might like to step down.
11 The question before the Board is whether the Efficient Commissioner can be removed from the Board, whether the loss of her input would be a significant concern, and whether the Bazaar would retaliate in some fashion.
12 The question before the Board is whether the Jovial Contrarian should be encouraged to relinquish his position on the board and return to other occupations.
13 The question before the Board is whether Sinning Jenny should be removed, and whether her interests are indeed aligned with the company's interests.
14 The Board has excused Feducci from the room in order to debate whether it would be best to ask him to step down. The mood among the rest is already less combative than when he was present.
15 The Board is contemplating whether Virginia should be removed as a Director. The question strikes some board members as transgressive: how might the Devils react, if their influence over this railway were denied?
16 The Board is debating the possibility of casting out Furnace Ancona and removing the voice of the Tracklayers' Union. "Enough of having their spies openly within our own ranks," is a sentiment often repeated.
17 Might the Dean of Xenotheology be removed from the Board? It seems a straightforward, perhaps even a necessary solution. She does have a habit of approaching all questions as though they were the debate of the Curriculum Committee
18 The present question is whether the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's should be removed from the Board. At least one person has muttered about the Bishop's candle consumption, a topic otherwise rarely mentioned in this room.
19 The present question is whether the Bishop of Southwark should be excused from the Board service. He had only joined it quite unwillingly, and everyone is embarrassed by his overt attacks on the more Infernally-inclined board members.
20 The Board is debating whether to remove the Tentacled Entrepreneur. His participation in arguments is so often slow and difficult to interpret. And would he really withdraw its financial support? Surely not, if he were still receiving dividends?
21 The Board is now debating whether to remove the Gracious Widow from its number. The matter of her criminal disposition bothers only some of those assembled.
22 The Board is now debating whether to remove April as a director. Several people appear to remain a bit uncertain of her true identity.
23 The Board is now debating whether to remove the Wandering Gondolier. No one is keen to cause more difficulties with the Guild of Gondoliers, but […] meetings might progress more straightforwardly without the Gondolier's stream of endless proposals.
24 The Board is now debating whether to remove September. Current objections raised include his accent, his frequent absence in Balmoral […] His preference for conducting meetings in semi-darkness has also received a few remarks.
26 The Board is now debating whether to remove the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle. It has turned into something of an opportunity to revisit everyone's views from the Election, which is going as well as one might expect
27 The Board is now debating whether to remove the Rubbery Yes-Man. […] perhaps you exercise as much influence on the board as strictly necessary already, though different board members express that view with different degrees of tact and openness.
28 The Board is now debating whether to remove the Hell-Scarred Gondolier. Does he smell too much of sulphur? Does the Board really require his grim projections about what is to be found at the end of the line?
29 The Board is considering whether Cornelius should stay or go. There are some who feel he is too close to the workers and too radical in his ideas; there are others who think he brings a refreshing diversity to the opinions set before the board.
30 The Board is considering whether to vote off January. Points mentioned so far include her withering speeches about the Ivory Tower, her powerful resentment of the Masters, and her tendency to identify new exhibits for the Museum of Injustices.
31 The Board is considering whether to vote off the Wry Functionary. "He takes so long to explain his votes," says someone, wearily.
32 The Board is considering whether to vote off the Delightful Reverend, on grounds of parochial interests and an unseemly dedication to the Church.
33 The Board is considering whether to vote off the Drummer. There is a palpable tension in the room. No percussive noises have been heard yet.
35 The Board is considering whether to vote off the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. "It's not that I don't like her," says someone, lying. "I'd just rather not have the pleasure of her company so frequently."
37 The Board is considering whether to vote off the Implacable Detective. Her steely presence and habit of taking notes on things other than the board agenda have disquieted the more private members of the board.
Building Stations
100 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. Is it architecturally sound? Is it handsome? Is it much too expensive?
105 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station, built to withstand attack, and even to deal out a bit of danger.
115 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. It is certainly very devilish. There are some questions about whether you might unnerve the passengers.
120 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. Is it architecturally sound? Is it handsome? Will all those sigils prove a fire hazard?
130 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. It is certainly very much in the approved style. If a steamed pudding could be a building! But no, that does it an injustice, of course. It is grander than a steamed pudding.
140 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. Is it too plain? Does it need to be that shade of brown?
150, 160 The Board is reviewing plans for a new Station. Is it too small? Too adorable? Perhaps not warm enough, considering?
170 You are voting – it is to be hoped for the very last time – on the tracks and platform for Marigold station. Your board is keyed up to a rare and unreasonable degree.
Improving Trains
200 The matter before the Board is the addition of some defences to each train car. The better defended the train is, the less dangerous it will be to ride out to the distant stations.
205 The matter before the Board is the addition of some baggage compartments to your trains. The more you can carry, licitly or illicitly, the more options you will have.
210 The question at hand is whether the trains will be enhanced with more luxurious fittings and trappings. The more handsome the trains, the better the receipts will be […] there is also the question of the Great Hellbound Railway's pride to consider.
Solving Obstacles
220 You have proposed that the Railway pay off the Tracklayers' Union in order to resolve the present strike.
230 You have proposed that the Tracklayers' Union be given a significant number of shares in the company, and its Charter altered to reflect a devotion to the preferences of the workers.
240 You have proposed that the Tracklayers' Union be abruptly cured of their inclination to strike. One wouldn't want them to get any notion of repeating this behaviour in the future.
250 You have requested an allocation of funds to dig up a Prehistoric Creature found on the route of the tracks.
260 You've recommended that the Prehistoric Creature be soundly ignored (whatever it is, and if it even is genuinely of prehistoric origins). Let the Tracklayers build a stone causeway over its remains. That will be cheapest and by far the least trouble.
270 You have laid out the difficulties with the anomalous block of London, and suggested that the Railway extend some additional funds to build around the area in question.
280 You have presented an argument for how the Railway could, with the proper equipment and a sufficiency of violant ink, undo the anomaly protecting the hidden block of London, and make it available for the track to pass through after all.
931 You have proposed a series of varied concessions to different factions of the Tracklayer's Union, submitted as a package. It should make the Union recognize Furnace Ancona's leadership again.
932 You have proposed that the Great Hellbound Railway finance Cornelius' project to build, in his words, "a great beast of bone and iron that will lift the working man up to his proper place in the Chain on its haunches."
933 You have proposed the construction of a network of gas-lamps throughout the length of the Railway, to dramatically illuminate the hinterlands. This will be presented to the Tracklayers' Union as a radical worker safety measure.
934 You have proposed […] measures to ensure the compliance of the […] Union, and […] loyalty to their current leadership, whom you […] control. Many are token gestures of goodwill from the GHR. The most important ones […] discourage future unrest.
1000 You have proposed a costly but workable tribute to Hillchanger Tower, one that will allow you to continue to build across the Neath.
1010 Some of the less human members of the Board have proposed accommodations for Hillchanger Tower that will guarantee protections for its friends and compatriots, and reduce the human impact in that part of the world.
1020 Those board members best known as months have put together a proposal to befriend this new power. The ramifications of this proposal may be particularly threatening to the Bazaar, but they do not seem overly concerned about that.
1030 The more legalistic and historically informed members of the Board have put forward a proposal that binds both the GHR and Hillchanger Tower to a long list of terms and conditions, […] You are assured it is proof against alteration or error.
Proposing a Charter
300 You have proposed that the Board vote itself an official self-congratulation. No one could reasonably object! It is not as though the gesture costs anything.
310 You have proposed that the Board begin the business of the company with a financial donation to neighbouring families of limited means. This will, of course, cost something. But consider the goodwill to be obtained!
320 You have proposed that the Board adopt a company charter explicitly committing to Science and the knowledge benefits of your exploration in the Neath.
330 You have proposed a Charter that explicitly allies the Board with Hell and seeks to bring greater concord between London and the Infernal powers.
340 You have proposed a Charter that makes the business of the Church a part of the Board's agenda. Bringing the faith to those in the Hinterlands will be part of the effort henceforth.
Profit Taking & misc Questions before the Board
400 The question before the Board is a routine matter of the issuing of dividends. This is problematic only when the Company is in some debt.
940 You have proposed that the GHR grant certain charitable groups the use of cargo and passenger space, at cost. This is, of course, a cover for smuggling. Hopefully the only ones on the Board who noticed are the ones inclined to vote yes on it.
941 You have proposed that the GHR pay out a dividend – to the poor residents of the Hinterlands instead of your good self. The Board's secretary asks you if you're feeling well.
1100 You have proposed sending a train through Parabola for the purposes of speeding the passage of your army through Is-Not.
1110 Since you did not build a train line into Parabola before, you have proposed creating a spur line now – one that would facilitate your military operations there.
1200 The Board is contemplating whether to extend a spur line to the city of the Tracklayers, connecting it more directly with the rest of London.
Candidate Endorsements
The endorsement of the Great Hellbound Railway might carry some weight with the people of London. You've proposed to endorse ...
600 ...the Tentacled Entrepreneur; one might mention his connections to progress and development, as well as his influence in Ealing Gardens
610 ...the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle, a representative of London's connections with Parabola. Her influence in the realm of dreams may prove valuable in time to come.
620 ...F. F. Gebrandt, the chemist and businesswoman. She has grand plans to advance the cause of Science in London.
Castellan of Balmoral
700 The current question is whether to install the Unyielding Highlander as Castellan of Balmoral, and open the castle up again.
710 The current question is whether to install September as Castellan of Balmoral, placing the territory under his somewhat unpredictable supervision.
720 The current question is whether to install the Fervent Widow as Castellan of Balmoral, and bring new political life to the castle.
Replacing Furnace
800 You've proposed that the Board interfere in the politics of the Tracklayers and that you insist on dealing with a particular Master-friendly Tracklayer who is probably on positive terms with Mr Fires.
850 You've proposed that the Board work with Cornelius as the new emissary to the Tracklayers. He at least has considerable history in working with them.
Patron of the Burrow Church
905 You've proposed that the Board appoint the Dean of Xenotheology as Patron of the Burrow Church. There is a question over sparing her time and attention away from the onerous duties of being a member of the Board of the Great Hellbound Railway.
910 You've proposed that the Board appoint the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's as Patron of the Burrow Church. There is a question over sparing his time and attention away from the onerous duties of being a member of the Board of the Great Hellbound Railway.