Deeper Discordant Studies (Guide)/Completed

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This page contains information about the Deeper Discordant Studies, which are designated by FBG to require strict spoiler protection. Proceed below at your own risk.

This subguide is meant for people who have already completed the Discordant Studies storyline and is spoiler heavy. Please return to the main guide if you have not done so.


Completing a check will lose you 1 level of the associated Advanced Skill or -100 CP of Main Skill.

Seal Action Cost Check Rewards Moved To
8th Cut an Impossible Theorem apart 300 300
  • Reset
  • +8CP
7th Deliver a Discordant Missive 8
  • +2CP
6th Unmake a Solacefruit Champagne Sorbet 1 x  Solacefruit Champagne Sorbet 8
5th Experiment with a Discordant Soul 8
4th Listen closely to a Night-Whisper 8
3rd Converse with a Doubled Skull 8
2nd Cloud your vision with Queenly Attar 8
1st Exhale a Breath of the Void 300 300


This is analysis of the seals, or at least of ones that you might want to repeat in the future. All of them are good for lowering skills if that is required, but some of them are also beneficial, either by providing rare items or by simply being a good source of income.

The Eighth Seal[edit]

The Eight Seal will allow you to get the which can be used for a new future in or to get a . It is the only easy way to get the latter, for which otherwise you must donate a very many to the proper relicker.

The Seventh Seal[edit]

The Seventh Seal is notable because it moves you to without increasing your criminal record. This is much easier to achieve than failing to Rob the Brass Embassy.

The Fifth Seal[edit]

When combined with Rip out the words in the , it is a very profitable grind, albeit one at the cost of . The best way to do this is to save up a bulk of s and then, using a lot of glasswork equipment cash them out. The efficiency is somewhere between 6.63 and 11.40 EPA.


  • 7
  • Stockpiles of and

Recommended for Maximum Efficiency

  • As much equipment as you can get your hands on
  • Profession
  • Destiny
  • High
  • ( only)
  • 21
  • 2
  • 5 & FATE

Recommended for Optional Bones

  • A fully upgraded
  • A small stockpile of
  • 5
  • An outfit with 0
  • for

The idea here is to pay a visit to the Hulers and read the stones once a week (note it is impossible to 100% that check) to activate a , and then, during a regular weekly visit to the Nadir, use to build up a stockpile of . This adds at least 4 actions to our weekly Nadir visit, depending on how high your is, if you can get enough and to 100% the check to Travel to the encampment, and whether you can take the road into the Wastes for free.

Once we've built up a large amount, such as 50, we redeem them in bulk through the Advanced Discordant Studies Fifth Law, which trades them for , , and . If you have access to Hell's Fence, you can sell the souls for brass and make a small extra profit. Note that gets steadily lower as we study the Fifth Law over and over again; this is why we want to have as much Glasswork-increasing equipment as possible. destiny is very helpful here, as is the discount on visiting Parabola and the . This cycle takes at least two actions each time, and more if you are unable to 100% the check at minimum Glasswork.

In order to make use of the , make sure that you always redeem in groups of five. When you have 25 research, take a break and visit your lab to Discover the background of this bone. Our goal is to Invent a false nature for this bone, which will usually take 3 research actions, but can possibly take 2 if you're lucky with card draws and can play an option with gives at least 38 research twice in a row. This adds 4-5 additional actions to the grind every five Discordant Souls we redeem, but this can be well worth it when putting on the right skeleton.

Despite its profitability, this comes with some downsides. The biggest one is that we tank our ; after seven redemptions, it's completely wiped out. The reason we redeem the in such large batches is in order to keep retraining costs at a minimum. It takes 28 actions to maximise it from zero; it is recommended that you combine this grind with other profitable grinds that happen to train , such as Pinewood Shark hunting, Peculiar Item heists (though beware the card), or Clay Larcenies with Parabolan Casing. Furthermore, having low temporarily locks you out of other profitable grinds: for example, certain popular setups for Khaganian Intrigue become very risky until you've retrained your stats.

This grind also generates large numbers of , which can be redeemed in The Anchorhold. All of the options for redemption require a , however, and these are difficult to obtain efficiently. Those with may gain them during visits to Helicon House via Lead them like sacrifices to the Priests of the Red Bird, the rest need to hunt the in Parabola. Getting them via Hurlyburly is not recommended. Unfortunately, the options for redeeming are not especially profitable, so this is not currently recommended for money-making, though they may be a decent source for the items they provide.

The First Seal[edit]

The First seal is the only way to get which may be of interest if you are collecting all of the T8 items. As this has been consumed in getting the you would need to do it again if you wished to have one.