Developments in an Ongoing Investigation

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The knowledge to resolve this present crisis […] is found far afield of the Museum itself. But it all filters back down to here, to Gebrandt's office and the makeshift corps of volunteers helping her sift through the disaster.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: Gathering three clues will get you a unique reward; ten will get you an Achievement quality. You will still be able to gather and hand in clues even after the event progresses, until it ends entirely no sooner than August 5th.

Unlocked with a redirect from Look into Gebrandt's methodology

Storylet appears in The Museum of Prelapsarian History


Consider where clues might be found
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    Success Instructions: There are clues throughout Fallen London. Some are in obvious places; others are in obscure or hard-to-reach places. Not all are accessible to all players.

    A clue is only fully discovered when enough players have obtained it and returned to the museum to share it with the broader investigation. Some easier clues may require the activity of more players; harder clues might require fewer, or even only one player, to discover them.

    Completing the mystery will not require discovering every single clue, but the more unique clues are found, the faster the investigation will progress.

    Once enough clues have been found and enough time has elapsed, the investigation will begin moving towards its conclusion. You will still be able to find and hand in clues until the event ends entirely, no sooner than August 5th.

Ponder the rewards
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    Action Cost: 0



    Success Instructions:

    Uncovering 3 unique clues will give you a reward when the event ends. Uncovering 10 unique clues will also give you a special level of a vanity quality.

    There are at least 10 clues that are reasonably accessible to all players who've progressed far enough into the game, out of a total 18 clues that can be found.

Examine what has been uncovered
Share what you have learned
Have some of that coffee