Discuss the work stoppage with Furnace

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Next Stretch of Track

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The description varies based on the stoppage.

Tracklayers' Work StoppageDescription
30 - Remains of a Prehistoric CreatureWhat sort of prehistoric beast could be getting in their way? And what does she need to carry on?
35 - Creature with Exhumation ApprovedThe Board has voted for the beast to be excavated. What else does she really require?
40 - Missing Block of London StreetWhat's the hold-up? Why are they stuck before they've even gotten outside the city?
45 - Missing Block that Requires ModificationWhere should you go to manage the missing block?
50 - Intervention by the Hillchanger TowerWhat should you do about the intervention of the tower?
100 - Disgruntled Workers' Strike
210 - Union Dissent
211 - Waiting for Cornelius' Beast
Why are her workers striking? What will it take to get them back in line?

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with ,  is: Furnace Ancona (hidden)


It takes a meeting

Description summary:
The description and success instructions vary by stoppage.

StoppageDescriptionSuccess Instructions
30"I showed you the False-Snake," Furnace says. "There's a patch of land full of those. Some of my Union think the animals of the past are our future. Or possibly our replacements. […] This kind of finding gets 'em too riled to work […]"?
35"If the Board's gone for an excavation, then all I need from you is the supplies, and we can get to work. You're welcome to come out and see the dig. Could be interesting."Another branch on this storylet will allow you to provide supplies and excavate the area.
40[…] "We've come to a block that isn't there. Map shows it exists. […] it used to belong to the Admiralty […]. But you try to walk onto that block and next thing you know, you're a street further on. There's no way to lay tracks that join up."?
45"We're ready to assist you with your work repairing the block," Furnace says. "Tell us when you've finished your calculations."?
50"It is up to the GHR board to arrange," Furnace says. "To present terms to the Tower that will satisfy it, and clear the land again."?
100, 210, 211"Low pay, uncomfortable work conditions, risks, wounds, cold," Furnace says. "Bandits raiding our camps at night. Knowing that whatever we build is going to make strangers rich […] The Board is going to need to vote on a response to their demands."?
?Another branch of this story will allow you to advance.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]