Diversions for your pet

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Spiders and flies

Your pet sorrow-spider is scuttling around, ignoring the insects trapped in its web. Perhaps it is bored. Perhaps you should find something for it to do.

Unlocked with ,

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 60%)


How creative

When let loose on some oddments of glim, your spider produces something you could almost call artwork[…] You exchange one such for a more precious piece of cloth[…] And there's enough left over spider-silk to bind your wounds, if you have any.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


How destructive

You give your spider some glim to play with, but it attacks the offering in a rage, chewing up the shards with a snarl. You collect a few scraps of silk[…] Whatever will the chaps at the spider-fights think of your badly-behaved pet?

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]