Enspired Shallows

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The waters this close to London are shallow at the best of times. […] Now these shallows are a-brim with spines, broken from the Lorn-Fluke by ordnance, or laid by it on purpose to snare London's vessels. The familiar strait bristles with new threat.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Game Instructions: The Lorn-Fluke will continue to menace London's home waters until it is repelled or defeated. Pursue the Fluke from 'Hunting the Beasts of the Zee', within your Cabin.

Unlocked with The Lorn-Fluke's Fury is present (World Quality, now locked), Wayland's Teeth Involvement Flag 2 (hidden)

Locked with An Exceptional Journey (hidden)

Card drawn in Home Waters

Occurs with Abundant Frequency (5 x as common as Standard)

Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.


Chart a careful course
Navigate with the aid of your amber vision
Engine basic.png
Barrel through