Evoke for visitors the memory of a lost time

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Merely Passing Through

Once it was an [Initial Alignment] stronghold. A few signs of the old days are still visible here and there.

Unlocked with Hinterland City - Official Alignment Complacently Unrevolutionary

Challenge information

Broad, Persuasive 150

  • 103 - very chancy (41%)
  • 128 - chancy (51%)
  • 153 - modest (61%)
  • 178 - very modest (71%)
  • 203 - low-risk (81%)
  • 228 - straightforward (91%)
  • 250 - straightforward (100%)

Narrow, Mithridacy 7 (50% base)

  • 3 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 4 - high-risk (20%)
  • 5 - high-risk (30%)
  • 6 - tough (40%)
  • 7 - very chancy (50%)
  • 8 - chancy (60%)
  • 9 - modest (70%)
  • 10 - very modest (80%)
  • 11 - low-risk (90%)
  • 12 and above - straightforward (100%)


Astonish [a Passenger]

[...] But you can give a sense of how it was: [...]; you visit the oldest buildings in [District].

The tourists are delighted. They will go home and tell this astonishing story at their firesides.

Description summary:
The identity of the passenger varies based on the Airs of Passengers. Then, the first paragraph varies based on the city's Hinterland City - The Style of a City, Hinterland City - Initial Alignment, and Hinterland City - Chosen Site.

Airs of PassengersPassenger
0a person in a dove-grey suit
1001 - 1029a lady in a blue gown
1030 - 1049a gentleman in a grey silk waistcoat
1050 - 1059a Rubbery man in fawn-coloured gloves
1060 - 1064a Gondolier of upper rank with the uniform to prove it
1065 - 1069an agent of the Bazaar
1070 - 1079a judge from the Evenlode
1080 - 1089a friend of the Veteran Privy Counsellor
1090 - 1099a very bureaucratic-looking man
1100 - 1109a woman dressed in Bohemian style but very expensive fabrics
1110 - 1119a man with a briefcase covered with Correspondence sigils
1120 - 1124a man in a very thick fur coat
1125 - 1129a woman with a mink stole
1130a determined Baroness with a hand-stamped letter of recommendation to the gates of Hell
2001 - 2049a mushroom-farmer
2050 - 2059a Rubbery man dressed for the factory
2060 - 2069a down-at-heels ex-Gondolier
2070 - 2074an escapee from the prisons of the Evenlode
2075 - 2136a speechless woman with a lamp affixed to her hand
3001 - 3009a scholar in Benthic robes
3010 - 3024a palaeontologist (bag of tools uncouthly on the table)
3025 - 3049a scholar in Summerset robes
3050 - 3059a scholar of Rubbery linguistics
3060 - 3064a professor interested in the sociology of the Gondoliers
3065 - 3069an archaeologist investigating the Sere Palace
3070 - 3130a legal scholar of the Evenlode
4001 - 4009a determined-looking Tracklayer
4010 - 4019a Tracklayer wearing the insignia of the Prehistoricists
4020 - 4049a solicitor employed by the Tracklayers' Union
4050 - 4059a Rubbery man in a Tracklayer's uniform
4060 - 4069a Tracklayer recruited from the Gondoliers
4070 - 4079a burly Tracklayer
4080 - 4089a wiry Tracklayer
4090 - 4099a scrawny Tracklayer
4100 - 4109a Tracklayer with a book of psalms
4110 - 4119a Tracklayer with thick protective boots
4120 - 4129a Tracklayer who hasn't bothered removing her helmet
4130 - 4137a Tracklayer in fire-proof gloves
5001 - 5009a vicar
5010 - 5024a deacon
5025 - 5039a rector
5040 - 5049a lay preacher
5050 - 5059a lay theologist translating the Bible to Rubbery speech
5060 - 5069the vicar-sailor of the floating Church of Saint Barbara
5070 - 5079a prison chaplain
5080 - 5089a dour-looking rector
5090 - 5099a factory chaplain
5100 - 5109a lay preacher of the Church in the Wild
5110 - 5119a Church historian
5120 - 5124a monk in black robes
5125 - 5129a Follower of the Anchoress
5130 - 5138a militant preacher against devils
10001 - 10009a sardonic-looking Devil
10010 - 10019a grim-looking Devil
10020 - 10029a glum Deviless
10030 - 10049a smug Deviless
10050 - 10059an expert in Rubbery souls
10060 - 10130one of the regulars of the Fiddler's Scarlet
Hinterland City - The Style of a CityFirst Paragraph
Attenuated, Remembered, CelestialThe earliest days of the city are hard to imagine now.
AuroralThe earliest days of the city are hard to imagine now; visitors tend to regard it as a sort of elegant light-show.
NocturnalThe earliest days of the city are hard to imagine now. The darkness, once fundamental to its politics, has now become a novelty attraction. Visit a place you cannot see! Heighten all your other senses!
BazaarineThe earliest days of the city are hard to imagine now. Visitors puzzle over the carvings, the inscriptions on buildings, the whelk in stained glass, and they forget that anyone really lived inside this riddle-box.
Hinterland City - Initial AlignmentFirst Paragraph
Liberationist-Prehistoricistyou show off an abandoned laboratory, its roof now open to the elements; you describe the sightless work-beasts that could be seen roving the town
Prehistoricistyou show off an abandoned laboratory, its roof now open to the elements; you describe the drill-beaked well-herons that could be seen roving the town
Mixedyou show off an abandoned meeting hall, its roof now open to the elements; you describe the citizen-creatures of all sorts that could be seen roving the town

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]




Unfortunately, your tour produces neither nostalgia nor delicious fear, but a sense of a possibility squandered. "Why didn't it come to anything?" asks one of the tourists, when you stop in the shadow of the [Building]. "What went wrong?"

Description summary:
The first paragraph varies based on the city's Hinterland City - Initial Alignment, and Hinterland City - Chosen Site, as for success, and part of the second paragraph varies based on its Hinterland City - Founding Body.

Hinterland City - Founding BodyBuilding
Furnace Anconareserve silo
Furnace Ancona, Starvedamber spire
Corneliushatching arena
Your Own Doubleamphitheatre
The Double of the Managergrand hotel

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]