Fabricator of Past Lives

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

You have constructed many cover identities for all the selves you used to be.

This quality has no recorded uses.


1: You have an alternative self you can call on at need
2 - 3: You have several alternative selves you can call on at need
4: Your alternate selves could form their own quartet
5 - 11: You have many alternate selves you can call on at need
12: Your alternate identities could form an entire counsel
13 - 49: You have many, many alternate selves you can call on at need
50 - 76: Your alternate identities constitute a significant percentage of the entries in Slowcake's
77 - 776: Your wardrobes overflow with the costumes of your alternate selves. Fortunately, a few of them do dress alike
777+: No biographical encyclopedia ever written suffices to catalog all the alternate identities you've foisted on the world