Factory VIII – After Hours

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The factory floor is quiet but not silent: industry never permits stillness. A fan blows lilac smoke over a tray of crystals; every few minutes there is a soft 'blop', as a bubble rises up through a thick liquid. [Varies]

Description summary:
The remainder of the description varies with the amount of time left before you must leave.

TimeThe watchman's position
2In the distance you hear the regular tap of a watchman making his rounds – but he's not near you, not yet.

You must work around the guard. You cannot explore with impunity. But a few rooms are safe, for now.

1The tap-tap-tap of leather soles on a hard floor indicates a watchman is drawing nearer. But you have a little time, yet.

You must work around the guard. You cannot explore with impunity. But a few rooms are safe, for now.

0But the sound of the watchman pacing has stopped. They cough loudly, half-choking – as if they've dragged too hard on a cigarette.

The guard is too close. You have to leave.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect in The Station for Factory VIII, or 'Station VIII'

Storylet appears in Station VIII

Airs of VIII 0-50

Sneak into the courtyard
Enter the mahogany door marked 'PRIVATE'
Prise away the boards blocking the door covered in warnings

Airs of VIII 51-100

Make your way to the Overseer's office
Enter the door marked 'Special Extracts'
Enter the door marked 'Communications'

Time Till You Must Leave 0

Grab what else you can on the way out