Fallen London 10th Anniversary

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

11 January 2020 was the 10th anniversary of the release of Fallen London. To commemorate this event, Failbetter published a daily access code in the week before the game's birthday.

January 6th[edit]


Access Code: https://www.fallenlondon.com/a/225588HappyBirthdays

The Revolutionary approaches you in the street, all smiles and innocence. "Come this way! I've just the thing for your... celebrations." Your birthday? Hallowmas? The Feast of the Rose? The election? "Yes," he says, winking furiously.


You are led to a large crate at the end of an alley, roughly covered with a tarpaulin. "You know what to do. Good luck, comrade." And with that, he's off. Well, these are yours, now.

January 7th[edit]


Access Code: https://www.fallenlondon.com/a/496581allthingsshallbewell

The Ministry official stands by the Bazaar, smiling with ominous serenity. He hands out documents to any passer by who comes near. Most are keeping a wary distance.


"Here. Please. Take it. I left my job, and someone needs to look after my paperwork." He laughs – it is high and desperate, like a carthorse startled by a tiger. "Ten years, and you know what did it? Not the rats, the bats – or even those blasted cats. Someone gave me an exceptional hat and expected me to wear it. One has to draw a line."

January 8th[edit]

StationIII port.png

Access Code: https://www.fallenlondon.com/a/193843ahomelyglow

"Get your newly patented, Farthing & Sons' lamp-post here! Impress your wives, your husbands, your servants and pets. Be the first on your street with one of our newest and greatest inventions yet." The seller has even erected a little platform from which to shout.


"You! You look like a truly discerning individual! Have you even been in undesired dark? No more!" The woman passes you a perfectly ordinary lamp attached to a heavy metal tube. With a great squealing, the tube telescopes open, raising the lamp to over twice your height. How handy! Pity about the noise.

January 9th[edit]


Access Code: https://www.fallenlondon.com/a/564848royalrepast

What is that wretched noise? Who sits on your doorstep, weeping and wailing?


The dejected pastry chef can barely see you through the tears. His sumptuous moustache is entirely sodden. "Here," he says. "Take it. What use can it have? Her Majesty— She—" He mops his face with his toque. "I designed it just for her. She didn't spare it a glance."

January 10th[edit]


Access Code: https://www.fallenlondon.com/a/228239mirrormirror

There is a small, silk-wrapped bundle on your dressing table. It wasn't there last night. Who could have brought it? Rats? Not bats – the window is closed. Still, it's certainly for you.


The silk slides free to reveal a mirror the size of your palm. The frame is fine, and engraved with intricate handwriting. The glass is pristine, so perfect that it deserves that you use it, to consider your reflection. And, oh, isn't this half-light flattering?

January 11th[edit]

Failbetter published a blog post listing the new content to be released in celebration of Fallen London's 10th anniversary, including the timeline for the conclusion to all four ambitions.