Follow your feet (Third City)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Shifting Streets

Your peregrinations have brought your destination into focus. Walk quickly, lest the streets shift and remove your advantage.

Unlocked with London's Shame is exactly 1 (World Quality, now available), In Search of an Itinerant Address exactly 4, Pedestrian Peregrinations 7


Ruins of an older Neath


You almost miss the ruin, when you reach it. Tumbledown and eroded, it is a slouch of dull-mossed limestone […] There have not been any other people here for a very long time.


[…] The streets usher you onward, speeding your passage away […]

Description summary:
The third paragraph varies based on the current level of Shifting Streets.

Shifting StreetsThird Paragraph
50000 - 100000Beneath your palm, the stone is warm […] Here, a door framed as the mouth of a monster […] There, curved logograms in columns two blocks wide […] There is a memory here, […] of fecundity and celebration, baked earth and flourishment and rain-thick air. […]
? - 49999[…] stepped and shallow pyramid […] constructed from Neath-stone, built […] after the Third City's fall […] There are traces of older structures […] These late architects clad their ambition in the ruins of their forebears, climbing hungrily towards an absent sun.

[Find the rest of the story at]