Forum:Reoccuring Events (and finding a concensus on dealing with them)

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Forums: Index > Archived topics > Reoccuring Events (and finding a concensus on dealing with them)

okay fellow wiki editors, heres the options i see:

  • have a duplicate page with the year in it for every page of every event. it would be extremely neat to have the yearless page redirect to the current years page so that if you search the cards/storylets name you will end up on the correct page (but thats hella work) OR
  • only keep and update the yearless pages while having a history page for all events to keep track of past instances

both are somewhat implemented so i think we should agree on one plan and announce/enforce it

cheers, --mfive (talk) 18:27, February 13, 2015 (UTC)

During Hallowmas and towards Christmas it was discussed and decided that the wiki pages should only be the ones which are up to date (overwriting past content), and the history pages should keep the context for game historians.

Adnoam (talk) 18:31, February 13, 2015 (UTC)

As Adnoam says, we've had this discussion earlier. Most wiki visitors are interested to see what's available right now, but have previously edited articles from the wrong years and so on, because the new year's event article hadn't been made yet. New content is released occasionally, so we can't make all articles before they're live (and honestly, that might be confusing in itself), so as a compromise, we've landed on the current system. Mainly because it's a lot less work to upkeep, but also because it's easier to find the current event this way. Of course, when there *are* changes, the wiki page will show the wrong information, but I think it's overall a better option.

I also think it's easier to show general changes over the years in historical articles like the ones we use today, because new players won't know what to search for to see the history of old pages. Besides; game mechanics, images etc. change and make newer actions different than old ones anyway, even if the content is the same. We won't be able to conserve the page history perfectly, and then I prefer to conserve it in a way that doesn't interfere with current events.

Aximillio (Message Wall) 13:30, February 14, 2015 (UTC)