Forum:Visitors at Hallowmas Experiment

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Since there are separate paths to document, I am wondering if anyone else wants to volunteer as a contributor for each Hallowmas Visitor. I unwittingly chose A gentleman in sombre clothing. Who else is keen on being a guinea pig? Add your name to the list! - Bertrandwins (talk) 3:41, Oct 25, 2013 (UTC)

  • MidnightVoyager - I would be interested in seeing the results if anyone got an option for the Masters related to the Fate-locked "A Brazen Fate -" content. Aside from putting up a placeholder, I'm curious as to the result. I was hard-pressed between them and the Bishop! (For the record, I'm doing the one for the Bishop myself, if anyone is curious)
  • Nedemmons My main went with Bishop, because I am curious about parabola and want to kick some infernal nates with army of snakes.

Still, few of my main subs choose thematically approprate path so far, - only two left is A thud at the window, because if a character wish to devote their future on things hidden under zee-wave, then that madame ought to go with seeking the Certain Master's drowned and consumed Name. 2 blind fish geo, one to go.

Thanks for documenting all the story branches! :) I didn't say anything till now because you (and some other folks, thanks) filled in everything before I even chose a Possible Future for myself.

I need everyone to know, though, that due to a new wiki policy and official FBG decree, all of the lengthy Hallowmas narrative* content has to be trimmed before October 31st arrives. You can still write super spoilery summaries for pages if you feel the 250 quoted characters aren't explanatory enough, but of course, they are to be in your own words.

*This does not affect Item pages or the reward outcomes (Watchful is increasing...; Your 'Making Waves' Quality has gone!; You've gained 100 x Jade Fragment; etcetera). —Preceding unsigned comment added by ZDee (talkcontribs)

  • DragonRidingSorceress: I hope you don't mind me editing anonymously, but the wiki won't let me sign up (says my username is already in use), but also won't let me sign in (says it doesn't recognise my username).

Oh, hello there! :)

I don't mind anonymous editors. Registration simply makes it easier to track people's edits in case anyone later has questions or suggestions to address to a specific editor. You also get spiffy badges, if that sort of thing appeals to you.

I ran into the same problem as you when I first began editing here. Someone else had already claimed the username Zeedee (my main character's FL ID), so I resorted to "ZDee" here. Hmm, you could be known as SorceressRidingADragon here? Or as DragonRidingSorceress2? Or just continue editing anonymously; that's fine.

Thank you for your contributions!
- ZDee (talk) 09:33, October 31, 2013 (UTC)