Forum:We have a Category:Characters?!

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We have a Category:Characters?![edit]

I recently stumbled upon Category:Characters while doing other work. It's am interesting category. I definitely think that there are uses for it - someone who wants to learn more about the Manager, for example, would probably like to have a convenient link to all stories involving him.

However, the category is, I think, broadly unknown and woefully underutilized. What should we do with it? Ideas I had, in no particular order:

Make it more complete[edit]

  • have a bot categorize all storylets and cards involving a character with that category via text search (if the text it mentions the Manager, tag it with the Manager)
  • announce a "categorize stories about your character" competition
  • somehow use SMW to find and categorize more articles involving a character - for example, if an action is tagged with "The Manager", we can find the respective card via Property:fcs and tag that as well
  • add template parameters like Character1, Character2, etc. that would add the category

-- RagCall (talk) 10:38, 2 March 2022 (UTC)

Drop it[edit]

  • it could be argued that this is more the purview of the Fifth City Wiki (I would welcome input from over there btw)
  • removing the categories is easy enough

-- RagCall (talk) 10:38, 2 March 2022 (UTC) Any thoughts? - -- RagCall (talk) 10:38, 2 March 2022 (UTC)

I'm fine with either. It's peripheral to the wiki, so unless we find it useful/fun, we should drop it. Aximillio (talk) 11:04, 2 March 2022 (UTC)
I'm trying to think about how a category like this might be useful. I don't think an exhaustive collection of actions related to a character would be of much value. I could see value in either a summary of a character, or a category of stories/entry-points for encountering a character.

Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but it also seems like the sort of thing that's destined to always be outdated behind the current game-state.

I just feel that it doesn't jive with the model that most of this wiki operates under. We mostly have either granular catalogues of game data, or player-authored guide content. There's a third content type, player-authored narrative summaries, which would seem to me appropriate for this wiki but we just don't have it. Character categories seems like useful supporting data for that type of content which isn't here.

I'm not inclined to put in the effort this needs to be useful. I don't feel a pressing need to delete the small amount of content that's already here, unless we want to go full Marie Kondo. PSGarak (talk) 19:13, 2 March 2022 (UTC)