Gamble for silver!

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition: Heart's Desire (The Bishop of St Fiacre's 4)

Your quest for the Marvellous is well known among your more colourful friends. Some of them may be failed Marvellous seekers themselves - they might have access to First City coins, if you can get word to the right ears…

Game Instructions: You can obtain Mysteries of the Elder Continent by using other Elder items in your inventory.

Unlocked with  5,

Challenge information

A matter of luck: The odds are strongly against you here (success chance: 20%)


Luck is with you this evening…

The cards fall just right […].

You win two coins in the end. They're icy cold: you suspect her of leaving them on the windowsill to generate atmosphere. When she handed them over, did she really whisper, "For the Ferryman?"

[Find the rest of the story at]

Rare Success

Luck is sitting in your lap. Luck is toying with your wine-glass. Luck, in all probability, is coming home with you tonight...

You can't stop winning. It's almost embarrassing. Your opponents […] fling down […] stake after stake. You take them one after another, calmly and cheerfully, […]. You leave the room with […] a new sense of optimism.

[Find the rest of the story at]


Luck is dining elsewhere tonight.

Your opponent says things like "ah, beginner's luck", and "the Eight of Stones? Again? Never mind, eh?" and "Same time next week?" You stamp out into the stinging fog of the Veilgarden streets, muttering bad-temperedly.