Get her back to work

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Furnace Recuperating

Furnace is well enough to go back to her old work, if she wishes to, and if the Union has not changed too irredeemably in her absence.

Game Instructions: This will end her convalescence and make her leader of the Tracklayers again.

Locked with  4


The day comes

[…] "I'm very grateful," she says. "For everything you did. […]

You go with her to the Tracklayers' Union. Your arrival is met with [Liberationists] and [Prehistoricists]. But her own partisans are here as well.


Description summary:
The end of the first paragraph varies based on . Parts of the second paragraph vary based on and , and the final paragraph varies based on .

AcquaintanceFirst Paragraph
10, 12, 13You could have just... left me. One face missing and the other two squabbling."
11And I haven't forgotten what you said to me once before about being jealous of Cornelius." […] "I hope you knew – that you weren't expecting – I mean, in our positions and with everything […]" She goes on […] until you take pity and tell her you understand.

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 15

Liberationist SupportSnippet
0 - 1no grumbling
2 - 3a few quiet mutters
4 - 6muttering from the Liberationists – who may have hoped to gain power in this current vacuum –
7 - 14quite a bit of subversive grumbling from those who consider Furnace too light-aligned

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 1, 4 – 5, 15

Prehistoricist SupportSnippet
0the faintest whisper of disappointment from the Prehistoricists
2 - 3a few requests that she take more interest in the ancient creatures of the Neath
6some confrontational rhetoric from the Prehistoricists
7 - 14quite a few placards reading 'let us build our track-beasts!'

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 1 – 2, 4 – 6

Emancipationist SupportThird Paragraph
0You had expected her perhaps to smile or perk up. Instead she looks ill. But she takes her place at the front of the room, and begins at once the work of hearing concerns from the members of her Union.
3She herself looks a little uncertain, as though she has less trust in the future than she did, or perhaps because the endeavour has cost so much. But she takes her place […], and begins at once the work of hearing concerns from the members of her Union.
?Confidently she takes her place at the front of the room, and begins at once the work of hearing concerns from the members of her Union.
7 - 19It is a return in triumph. […] She says a few words to her supporters, assuring them that their dreams are now in closer reach than ever […] Then she begins hearing concerns from the members of her Union. […] You slip away while it is still going on.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Furnacesmall.png Furnace has entirely recuperated. (Resets to 0)
  • Tracklayernocturnalsmall.png Furnace Ancona leads the Tracklayers' Union, once again. (Sets to 1 - Furnace Ancona)
  • Railsteelsmall.png Your 'Bridge Troubles' Quality has gone!