Hand over a box of scraps for Correspondence Plaques

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Shivering Relicker and Pinnock are Trundling By

The Shivering Relicker is lying comatose in the back of the cart. You'll have to deal with Pinnock, who claims to be a rat but has something of the badger about him.

Unlocked with  75,

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 50%)


An equitable rat-monster

"Bleedin' 'ell," Pinnock sighs, "I've no real idea what this lot is worth. She..." […] "...ain't 'arf a pain, but she knows her junk. Just a pity she keeps tryin' to run away. Tell yer wot, grab them lead plates on the back and we'll call it even."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Rare Success

Upsetting the neighbours

"Bleedin' 'ell," Pinnock sighs, "I've no real idea what this lot is worth. […] grab them lead plates on the back and we'll call it even." The Shivering Relicker leaps up and screams in a voice very far from human. Get a jar before the scream escapes!

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


A pint a week?

As he sorts through your scraps, Pinnock explains: "Yeh, she got a bit excitable earlier so I gave 'er some laudanum. She's up to a pint a week. You'd think she were a poet or somefing. Anyways, here's yer stuff."