Having Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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Dreams about contests with unusual opponents.

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Unlocked with

Dream Cards

Dream Card Unlock level Max level Autofire?
A dream about a clock 0 2
A dream about a row of tombs 1 3
A dream about a battlefield 2 4
A dream about strategy 3 6
A dream about capture 4 6
A dream about a stable 4 6
A dream about galloping 5 8
A dream about castle battlements 6 9
A dream about a soldiers' camp 7 10
A dream about a candlelit church 8 10
A dream about a cloister 10 13
A dream about a map 11 13
A dream about a clergyman 12 15
A dream about a flight from danger 13 16
A dream about a queen 14 17
A dream about geometry 2 15 18
A dream about a king 16 18
A dream about the Red-Handed Queen 17 20
A dream about the Beleaguered King 18 20
A dream about a sacrifice (A Game of Chess) 19 21

Options on other dream cards

Level 10


Level 3

Level 4

Level 10