Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (dupe)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
An acquaintance is being mentioned throughout London. The proper speak of them with […] smugness. The wicked use their name – to make their own scandals seem small by comparison. Your acquaintance […] requests your aid in clearing their name.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: This will allow you to lower an Acquaintance's Scandal.

Unlocked with a redirect from accepting an offer for help via Use someone as your dupe

Wiki note: This request for help might look identical to Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (sincere), but it leads to different results. You won't know if your friend was sincere unless you decide to try to help.


Write to the newspaper about your acquaintance's virtue
  •  Spoiler 
    Locked with  6


    When Sent

    Betrayed! The editor sends you a very stern letter. […] your acquaintance has used you. 'We already received a true account of this narrative,' the letter reads. 'We know that you were the responsible party; […] we will clear the innocent and name the guilty.'

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You wrote to the newspapers about [friend's name]'s virtues, in an attempt to lessen their Scandal. But by your acquaintance's design, they now d__n you!
    • You completed Social Event: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] wrote to the newspapers to praise your virtues, in an attempt to lessen their Scandal. And by your design, the newspapers are instead d__ning your acquaintance.

Inform London's tastemakers of your friend's virtues
  •  Spoiler 
    Locked with  6


    When Sent

    Betrayed! […] Evidently, your acquaintance has used you; […] the tastemakers would clear your acquaintance's name. "We must keep London entertained though," they say. "If we remove your friends name from circulation, we'll have to add another. Yours will do […]"

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You spoke to London's tastemakers on [friend's name]'s behalf. There is now less interest in their Scandal; and more in your own!
    • You completed Social Event: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] spoke to London's tastemakers, to help resolve your Scandals. By your design, the tastemakers now have another interest: your acquaintance!

Refuse the request
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Your friend needs  [your name]


    When Sent

    Their business is their own You're terribly sorry, of course, but you don't want your own good name anywhere near that tale of what they did behind the arras with the drunken dandy. That's untrue? Well, doesn't that prove your point?

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You refused to involve yourself in [friend's name]'s scandals.
    • You completed Social Event: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] does not wish to associate themselves in your scandals.
